flames of reborn

I am sorry I forgot to post this but you know what they say better late then never. As I was explain the series hitman reborn i was listing characters as well as what flame they have. Now to clarify these flames aren’t like Kyo or Ash from kof. Only a few use them in that sense. These flames are the series category system much like Naruto has element chakra Reborn has flames. Each dying will flame has an effect. I will list them now

The cloud flame is a multiplayer allowing the wielder to produce many of the same object. For example one can make multiple objects to make a force field.

The storm flame is known for its power. It is so strong that it causes other flames to decay and break apart.

The rain flame causes a tranquilizing effect on the target causing flames or anyone else to freeze. In some cases the warrior can creat ice as Tsuna dad has shown. It also robs people of their strength.

The sun flame is a support flame as it strengthens and heals people or any one the wielder choses.

The lightning flame can increase hardness of other flames. This enables them to act as shields to block enemy attacks.

The Mist flame is meant for illusionist as it creates more illusions.

The sky flame is the harmonizing flame having complete balance as oppose to the others. In Tsuna case he has two one hard and one soft. In future are box weapons can only be used by people who posses that flame. The sky flame is the exception to this rule as the wielder can use all boxes.

It should also be noted that the flames can be use to judge people or their fighting style. For instance those who posses the storm flame are known for overwhelming their opponents in battle. Those of posses the mist flame practice black magic and are portrayed as mysterious.

The flames are project through the ring of that family. Very few characters use the flames without rings and they are mostly sky users like Xanxus. Before the future arc he was wielding the flames bare handed. Also some character are like Sasuke from Naruto and posses multiply flames. I should tell you that these are the flames towards the sky their are others.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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