E3 Hopes and Prayers

With E3 soon upon us and everyone else chiming in on what they expect I thought it should throw my hat in the ring. However instead of predticing I am hoping as lets face it the game industry sometimes does things that defy logic let alone predictions. With that said lets begin.


Sunset overdrive
I man not talk about them much but I like a shooter much like anyone else. The shooter that has my eyes right now is sunset overdrive insomniac new game has you using off the wall guns which you should expect from but also abilities called aps that should gameplay enjoyable as well as repayable.


In terms of this genra I hoping to hear and see more of Bayonetta 2. The umbra witch demo was shown at last E3 and since then has been shown everyone Nintendo and Platinum studios can show it. The game is develign deeper into Bayonetta arsenal as she can use umbra climax which for those who play the original allows for player to fight like they are in boss with huge demons appearing all over the place without being in a boss fight. Along with the weapons and story I can’t wait to see what this lovely witch has in store for us.

The end of the arkham series Batman comes to next gen with arkham knight. As Gotham is under siege from it super criminals Batman must fight a new enemy made rocksteady dubbed Arkham Knight who has been has a costume that shares similarities with Batman own as well as fighting skills that puts him on the same level as the dark night. This time around the bat mobile is in play as well as new gadgets which have not yet been reveled.

Once mentioned in a interview I am hoping to hear of a new adventure staring a favorite dragon ninja. After learning their lesson I hope Team Ninja keeps the formula that has worked for them and improve on it for next gen so we can look at Ryu and the lovely ladies of the Ninja Giaden universe in action in lovely HD graphics.

For those who follow me you know how I feel about the last game but in the DMC series. I am hoping that a new Devil May Cry means not just returning to the old look but taking a few notes on narrative. The story telling as well as arieal combat I think is where I think the last Devil May Cry did well. As far as characters go I will hope we get to see Nero make a return.


Still trying to get money out of Dead Or Alive 5 we should get to see newly announced ladies Phase 4 and Nyoutengu playable. The game is looking goos and so are the player as with each new entry rebalancing is done. If this is the end of the new character we will have to see.

Tecmo Koei Capcom is still trying to get some Street Fighter 4 money. The Roaster to expand the odl like Hugo and Elena as well as the new like Decapre. With new mechanics the fans base is going crazy with that said it would be nice to hear of a new one since this house like DOA 5 is pretty much beaten to death. At the same time for those who are laughing yes that is what you do in a fighting game but you know what I mean.

The newest from ED BOON and his team at Nether Realm studios. So far we only have a trailer to go on but Boon has assured fans that MKX will be at E3 so we get a better idea of what the game has to offer. With also promise of more character to play then the iconic Sub Zero and Scorpion we have must to look forward to.

It has been a while since XIII brought KOF back to many and I think it is time for a new one. True Snkplaymore doesn’t really announce things at E3 but remember I am hoping here.

The new guilty Gear is coming to consoles and we should expect much as new characters are
sure to be announced and old ones seen. The question to me is dubbing as we don’t know if we will get voice actors or just text. Also like the rest of you I want to know just as badly. Are we getting gold character, ex characters or what? Now that the arcade run over it is time to ask these questions.

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
With the game consoles version soon to come out the game we should see the now close to completed game with the newly announced characters joining the roaster. The game should bring the stories of both P4 and P3 to a satisfying end. The gameplay is a cross between kof fast gameplay and gg cancelable combos and instant kill.

I am just touching on this one as I was looking forward what Square Enix was going to bring the table but after hearing that FFXV isn’t coming I was bumbed. Then I remembered that Sony promised its loyal fans that they will return to their RPG roots. What does that mean for me and you as gamers you ask(Warning this next rant will reveal my age a little bit)? It means that we can have more jrpg’s then just final fantasy and White Knight. I might even get an Grandia game. Okay that last one for much but it is hoping I can do.

In the end E3 usually surprises all and satisfies to a degree and thus we should wait to see what the gaming companies have in store for us.

As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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