Blazblue ChronoPhantasm 2.0 Changes

Along with Celica and Lambda changes are going to be made to the Blazeblue Chronophantasm. I will post the changes and the video below.

◾6+A now has a Revolver Action route to D attacks.
◾Ground Gauntlet Hades hit effect changed; float of the upward kick has been lowered, allowing Ragna to down the opponent.
◾Belial Edge knockback changed.

◾Stand D and Crouch D now cancellable; on hit only, Crouch D now jump cancellable.
◾Ground Hishouken (Ice Blade) projectile speed increased.
◾Hitting a frozen opponent with Sekkajin (Snow Flower Storm) continues the frozen state.

◾Stand D now has Fatal Counter properties.
◾Type XI: Optic Barrel is now dash cancellable.
◾Type VII: Chamber Shot now easier to use.

◾The less Silpheed Gauge available, the faster the regeneration.
◾After Tiny Lobelia bounces off a wall, the attack hitbox returns.
◾Lotus’ bats cause lightning strikes.
◾Jump cancellable moves during Overdrive increased.

◾6+D added.
◾Dashing Edge to Tao Pittan (Sticky Kitty) follow-up added.
◾Cat Spirit Two! now easier to use in combos.

◾6+B sped up, can now be blocked low.
◾B Gigantic Tager Drive knockback changed.
◾During Overdive, added guard points to his D attacks.

◾Crouch D changed to one hit.
◾When set, launching the staff sends it towards the opponent.
◾If attack while launching the staff, the staff is re-set.
◾While holding the staff, 6+A to 4+B Revolver Action now possible.

◾C Bugs now have a guard crush effect.
◾f of g now works like a placement move.
◾Activating Overdrive while Curse Gauge is available results in an immediate curse.

◾Nail placement position changed; grounded nail dash now possible.
◾Overdrive activation cinematic shortened, only at low health does the Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan cinematic activate (no changes to the properties of the activation).
◾Can now block during Overdrive.

◾While charging 6+C, pressing the A Button cancels the action.
◾Doll 4+D changed to 3 hits. The 1st and 2nd hits cannot be blocked standing.
◾Con Fuoco’s damage, foward charge strengthened.
◾Con Anima now has super armor while moving and Fatal Counter properties.

◾Successful D counters are now special cancellable, cancelling into Kokuujin: Yukikaze (Empty Sky Form: Winter’s Reposte), results in an instant counter.
◾4+C sped up, charge version removed.
◾Enma (Hades) jump cancel removed, recovery shortened

◾C Shingi: Hirameku Ichi no Geki (Sanctus Aequum) crosses through the opponent on hit; D Sanctus Aequuem is now plus on block
◾On hit only, D Shinken: Hikari wo Tatsu Tsurugi (Sanctus Veritas) now jump cancellable (not possible with follow-up version).
◾Follow-up versions and normal versions of Special Moves now treated as different moves (same move proration doesn’t apply)

◾Ouroboros Gauge has a maximum of 3, the lower the gauge the faster the regeneration.
◾On hit only, 6+C now has a Revolver Action route to D attacks.
◾Jabaki (Venom Sword) now cancellable into Jasetsu (Serpent’s Benediction) on hit.


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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