Mighty No 9 More Money for Ray

As you have heard there Mighty No 9 Beck may have a rival in the character Ray. I say may because they need more money to make it happen. You Mighty No 9 is a kick starter game from start to finish. Now that they are talking add on new things means they need to add on more money. The money amounts to 198,000.

•Game design (character + stage): $19,000
•Graphic design (character + stage): $14,000
•Modeling (character + stage): $25,000
•Animation (character + stage): $50,000
•Effects (character + stage) $24,000
•2D assets (stage): $6,000
•3D assets (stage): $20,000
•Programming (character + stage): $32,000
•Sound (character + stage): $8,000
•Total: $198,000

As For Ray he is a vampire version of Beck. He has the same absorbing powers but he needs to absorb to live as he is decaying. They say he looks like zero from the megaman x series but I think he looks more like Proto man.

Mighty No 9 d34d2d80f1cd950a1e187603dad2cba7_large_thumb


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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