Final Fantasy XV Hajime On Fashion

The director of Final Fantasy XV Hajime Tabata sat down to discuss how much thought went into the fashion and look of the characters. If you have a slight idea of 3d modeling you should understand if not the easy is imagining your hair and what it goes through good weather and bad as well as all times of the day. Taking movement and lightning effects into account when thinking about clothes skin and everything about graphics. Let me let Hajime tell you in own words.

” With The very highest end game design the character creation process requires a lot of people. Maybe more so than the original game designer who creates the original image for the character, the patter maker… Even in real fashion you have pattern makers… And those people have to get down and design the clothing and make sure it all works and fits together properly, design the texture and make them look like real clothing, get all the joining and the stitching right together. So that’s a lot of work and there are people now who are essential in designing characters and the clothing they wear during those kinds of design jobs, and simulating the physics of the clothing to make sure that it moves in the correct way, so it really is very very technical, and we have a lot of people specialized in that area.

Clothing is obviously very important, but there’s also the skin, and the make-up effects really have to be done in a very realistic way, and their hairstyles, because with the current generation of technology we really got rendering power that can produce almost real looking skin. So when you got that you have to have people with real looking hair and if they have makeup it has to look realistic so there’s people that have to simulate all of those things as well.

From my own personal point of view as the director of the game, it’s getting harder and harder to make games without employing those kind of specialists. I couldn’t do this kind of stuff on my own, so it’s getting harder and we really need to look for those guys”


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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