Final Fantasy XV Feels The Pressure

You might know that Hajime Tabata the director of the game feels the pressure of living up to the fans expectations but that is not the only thing on this mans shoulders. Final Fantasy XV is one of the first JRGP on the current consoles which means working with new territory with game companies looking to see if JRPG is still a good market in the current console generation. Hajime talks about some of that pressure.

” Well, the amount of money that the company invests in projects for the PS4 is completely different to those for the PSP, so I can certainly feel a difference in the anxiousness from higher management. As a developer I did not actually feel that much of a pull from the PS3 to want to develop games for it, but I certainly feel that from the PS4. It feels like a very big evolution in game design, similar to the shift from 2D to 3D was. I really feel that this challenge to create something that could not be done on any platform other than PS4 can only happen with the latest cutting edge consoles of the current generation”

Even though he feels the pressure Hajime is still looking forward to fans reaction to the demo Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae. As he tells the article author.

“Have they found all the special swords yet? Has a certain powerful foe come back for revenge at a different location yet? Has the man in that one couple got into trouble yet? Go out and look for these and many other surprises”

Sounds like he is talking about a full game and not doesn’t it. Take a look and found out.


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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