Street Fighter V E3 Characters So Far

E3 is over and Street Fighter V was really the only fighting game in site and they came to play with Birdie and Cammy being announced a few days prier and then confirmed days later at Sony conference. The characters themselves are something to notice.

SFV Nash artwork
Nash has moves that make him fun to me with his new moves and v skills that make him something to deal with as he can apply the pressure but also defend himself well. His v skill allows him to absorb projectiles and puts that to his v gauge which he can only use a for a moment as it is a quick dash. As his trailer showed Nash can use this to make some nasty combos or get out of some bad situations. He was basically a Guile edit with a different style of doing his moves but Capcom seems to want to change that about him.

SFV Bison artwork
Bison my have his psycho crusher as a critical art but he is still dangerous with his moves and reflect when someone gets projectile happy. Bison loses his famous move but gets projectiles of his of own that we haven’t since Alpha. This is with out his v trigger with it he is a run away train teleporting with a simple dash. Also his v gauge is the biggest in the game at this point. he also gains a anti air with Psycho Inferno.

SFV Chun Li Artwork
Chun li is relentless now that she has command moves as she was a charge character. Her v trigger makes her more a storm to deal with as it adds hits to all of her moves except for critical art. Chun Li v skill is a jump at a 45 angle that is to help with her air combo to me as it is. She seems unchanged from when say the game first match at Capcom cup.

SFV Birdie untitled
Birdie has not been seen since Alpha and his body shows it as now he is packing the pounds. When we first say him Birdie had some muscle structure to show he was a top warrior like the rest of the fighters but that has changed. With that said don’t be fooled Birdie is still dangerous as he a grappler player dream. Birdie comes with nice range with his chain and auto guard with moves that have the power to take cause you some serious hurt. His style also reflects his diet as certain food is his friend and not yours Birdie can throws cans at the enemy as well as banana peals. This comes into play with his v trigger as Birdie eats a pepper that makes his moves stronger with armor and extra hits if they didn’t have it already.

SFV Cammy untitled
Cammy comes in with speed and agility and a little body change up. She is now sporting a back side with more powerful legs that makes look like she can rival Chun Li if not at least hold her own. This is to emphasis that she to has some powerful legs which shows as she has kick of her own that may not be as fast but has power with agility all the same. her v trigger allows her drills to go through the opponent as well as recover quicker as you say with the trailer as she did the cross up from ground to air. Her v skill is spiral knuckle which dodges projectiles but doesn’t neutralize so if you want to use her keep that in mind.

SFV Ryu Artwork
Ryu the iconic hasn’t changed much either like Chun Li but we did get some clarity. Ryu moves are all the same from most games losing his flaming fireball but gaining his shocking one. Ryu v skill is minds eye which is his parry that we say in Ultra Street Fighter IV omega mode version. Ryu also seems to be getting some ideas from the mugen community. His v trigger Denjin Renki. This move gives him Ryu electrical properties with like his fireball and dragon punch. This seemed to have been expanded on as Denjin Renki only gave his fireball and critical art electrical properties. Short before E3 a gift hit vine showing Ryu doing a shocking dragon punch. Basically to me it looks an idea inspired by a mugen edit of evil Ryu which is electrical themed to go against Mugen Evil Ken which is themed with flames.

E3 shows us a new London stage which telling by the artwork is Cammy stage. I was hoping for a little something like we say with China stage where if you hit them hard enough you can send them for a bus ride or a bow of noodles. I hope we get more stages like that as it adds something interesting to the fight. With that fans are thinking that Ken will not make it but I hope they are wrong as I am used to seeing Ryu & Ken together as rival in street fighter games. With that said I can’t wait to see what else Capcom plane for the game.

As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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