Blazblue Central Fiction Location Test

We have some location test for the newest entry to blazblue Blazblue CEntral Fiction. The location test have Basically one of the three of the new character in action as Naoto the main character of Blazblue blood edge introdcuses himself to the cast of Blazblue with Hibiki. For the moment we know that there are three new fighters for Blazblue Central Fiction. Hibiki a background character from Chronophatasm, Naoto and Nine. Who is being announced today. Nine is the strongest mage in the Blazblue universe and Kokone mother. With that comes some more info on gameplay changes as we have Exceed accel may be a little different then what we have heard as the game. Originally from what was posted I though it was a different action from overdrive but it turns out it is a way to finish it if you want to put all in their. This is the basic information from the location test.

” No one posted a summary of the New System explanation from the stream? They talked about all kinds of cool info.

Exceed Accel:
All have a start-up hit. If it connects, an animation will play and damage is dealt.
All Exceed Accels have invincibility from the start and are very safe on block.
Holding ABCD for long activates Overdrive, goes straight into Exceed Accel and shortens their start-up
Overdrive also ends when Exceed Accel gets blocked.

Active Flow:
Happens once per round and lasts 10 seconds
Increases damage and Burst recovery rate
Nearly doubles Exceed Accel damage

You also get “Active Points” by doing “skillful actions” and “good reads”. In addition to hitting, forward dashing and pressuring, you’ll gain “Active Points” by blocking highs and lows correctly, countering aerial hit with head-invincibility move, doing Perfect Block and teching Throws.
Negative Penalty takes away your Barrier, causes Danger state and gives the opponent Active Flow.

Counter Hit:
+10% damage
It’s not by per Hits but per Attack.
Standard A attack is around 300 damage, so on Counter it makes 330. Carnage Scissors is around 2500 damage, so on Counter it makes 2750.
So aiming for Counter Hits with strong attacks can give you a lot more damage.
Fatal Counter also gives the same +10%


5C->2D gatling has been removed, but 5B->2D now combos. This will particularly affect his OD combos, so please remember this point. Furthermore, can now be blocked with both standing/crouching guard, so at mid range Ragna now has to use 6C. His new nightmare edge is an attack that hits from the air to the ground. The follow up attack knocks the opponent directly next to him, so it seems it’s an attack that is closely related to okizeme or can be used to push the opponent into the corner.


His new move Jagai hits directly in front of him, and lets him go into Jasatsu after. It staggers grounded opponents so it increase combo potential. On hitting an aerial opponent all Jasatsu follow ups will link, so his corner combo potential is something to look forward to. The oroboros gauge is gone, and now it recovers based on time elapsed. Jayoku Hotenjin has lost its invincibility, but it seems it comes out quicker now.


3C has changed to a sweeping attack with his sword. Quite long reach, combos from the tip of 5C, and combos into Toushouzan so 3C is valuable for combos. His new move Hishousetsu uses 25% heat and creates an object on screen. The object remains on screen for quite a long time, so Jin can move around while it’s set to control the opponent’s movement. Defensively, it remains out even if Jin is blocking, and freeezes the opponent on hit so it’s worth the 25% heat.


2C is jump cancelable. Untechable time remains long, so it’s still useful midcombo. 5C->6C connects on aerial opponents, so her pressure at midrange to prevent opponents from jumoing out has increased. Her new move Kuninorokotachi causes her set steins to home in on the opponent. Using it to chase the opponent while closing it will give her a safe chance to set up an attack.


Her j2C comes out immediately after activation but has been changed to an overhead. Using her wind in conjunction with the attack leads to a very fast overhead, making it useful in breaking an opponent’s guard. Her new move Ivy Blossom summons a lot of tiny bats on screen. The bats have no attack hitbox, but if they get close to the opponent they will steal health. Rachel can use wind to move them around, leading to an interesting form of an unblockable attack. She’s lost the ability to jump cancel all moves during overdrive, but in exchange her wind recovery is very fast now.


2D motion has changed, it’s now a short jump over a short distance. 6D motion has changed. It now moves forward a long distance to attack, and she low-profiles during the animation so she has body and projectile invulnerabiliy during the period. 4D has gained projectile invulnerability. 6C fully combos both hits on a standing opponent. Revolver Blast input has changed, reducing accidental inputs.


She lost Spike Chaser. In exchange she got a new move Luminous Slave.
Luminous Slave creates a black distortion over her head, from which blades will fly out targetted at the opponent’s position. D button can be held down like her other moves, pressing C will activate it instantly. C version has the blades fly out before the position is set. The held version just has the distortion appear without blades, in that state pressing D will have the blades fly out at set timings. The distortion disappears if Nu is hit or blocks an attack.
For the held version of Luminous Slave, the attack comes out a short while after D is pressed, so if it’s used as a follow up to a low Cresecent Saber or if the distortion is placed near the opponent then you use act parser after 5D(1) to go behind the opponent, this will cause the guard to be reversed, so this causes a lot of tricky situations.
Luminous Slave can be canceled into from Sickle Storm, or any other move that you would normally be able to cancel into Gravity Seed, so you can do something like combo into Sickle Storm to restrict the opponent, then set up a held version of Luminous Slave.


New attack Panzer Strike. He jumps diagonally into the air, then rapidly slams down to the ground. Has invincibility frames at start-up, and different hitboxes for the ascending and descending portions of the move. If opponent blocks the descending portion, Azrael has frame advantage.


B ver of Broken Bunker is gone, in exchange she has a new move Solid Wheel. Solid wheel is a move where Kokonoe charges forward together with a spinning mecha. It is affected by her Graviton’s attraction and repulsion. To put it simply, it’s the same as her fireball. Seeing Kokonoe spin above a Graviton or charge forward as a result of repulsive forcce is very amusing, so please try this out.
A Bunker now explodes a short while after hit (Even during guard?) 3C->5A cannot combo now, but 3C->A Bunker->5A now combos.


Act Parser Zwei Blade has been removed. In exchange, she has gained a new move Act Parser Tri. Act Parser Tri has her dash forward then release a few kicks. The follow ups can be inputted both during the dash or the kicks.
6A will result in Sparda. she charges forward while rising slightly into the air. Overhead.
6B will result in her old blade move. It also combos from the kick portion of her Act Parser Tri.


New special move, Tsuishouga which is an extremely fast overhead.
4D has been added. It’s quick to come out and launches the opponent. Jump cancelable.


All her D attacks and certain special moves have guard points. When those guard points are triggered, a green gauge is added to her health gauge. After completion of a full sequence of 3 Drive hits, she swill heal the green porition of her health. Additionally, when Celica uses certain special moves, the green gauge is consumed but the move is strengthened.


The knockback on Id Zain (236C->214C) feels like it brings the opponent closer back to him, so it’s easy to use in his midscreen combos.
His new move Geara Caus(?) is a command grab for Ignis. While the opponent is grabbed Relius can continue to attack.
The activation time of Gira Nose when Ignis is unsummoned has been sped up.

Done. Someone else did arakune and amane so I won’t be doing those.”

Also we have some matches for you. This mostly Naoto getting familiar with the cast with Hibiki getting one round but even that is against Naoto. So please enjoy.


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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