Final Fantasy XV Map Size Kingdom Hearts 3 Progress

As we have heard Final Fantasy XV is going to be huge but the question is how huge. Well our good friends at Dualshockers did a little work and they say they have the numbers. This is all based on the tech demo map but from what they got the map is suppose to cover 780 miles. Remember this based on the tech demo and thus it can change with the final product.


Now we go from Final Fantasy XV which we have been getting a lot of info from to Kingdom Hearts 3 a game we have been hearing little about. Last time we saw the game we saw a trailer with two people playing a board game one of them the big bad enemy Xehanort and some gameplay in the tangled universe. Well Tetsuya Nomura has stated that although they have laid the ground work they have a lot to do.

“For the most part we’ve established the ground foundations, like the basic systems and mechanics of what’s going to go in the game. Development of that is pretty much close to complete. But of course, since this is an HD title, it’s now building the resources, and development of the ‘mass’ elements of it, like mass production of the areas and the actual things that are going into the game. Other elements, including the mini-games and other various smaller items; their progress is very varied… some of them are polished and very close to final state, but at the same time some elements are still in the planning phases and I haven’t laid out the groundwork yet. But the basic structure of what’s going to go in the game is set, it’s now a matter of mass production of the different elements.”

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Interview :



As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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2 Responses to Final Fantasy XV Map Size Kingdom Hearts 3 Progress

  1. Tyler Junky says:

    It might be even bigger when you think about it. There is still a notion of cut scenes that could take us to a whole other continent. That and there is the question of weather they’ll be loading screens every 100 miles. Hopefully its the earlier. I’m you’re new subscriber by the way and I have a blog of my own.

    • jcphotog says:

      Try the size can ad probably will get bigger as we only know little about the world and since most Final Fantasy games take you all over the globe what we have seen is only a taste of what is to come.

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