Hajime & Tetsuya What s They Are Planning To Do Next.

In a recent interview Final Fantasy XV director Tabata Hajime and  past director as well as director of Kingdom Hearts 3 Tetsuya were asked about the future after their games were complete. Hajime responded by saying he wants to make a large scale game.

” There will definitely be something next. And I’d like to challenge something large-scaled, too. It won’t be a sequel to Final Fantasy XV, and not a series that follows the flow as seen in the Final Fantasy Type-0 series.”

So he wants something as large and demanding as FFXV. Just to recap he wants something that has multiple studios, number of references and large budget as his next product.

With Tetsuya it was a little different as it was size but just how many ideas he had.

” I have mountains of plans, and I would like to work on them if given the occasion, but that’s what I haven’t had lately.”

They did ask him about Kingdom Hearts 3 but no surprise he says we will have to wait for D23 to hear more about the key blade war. D23 if you do not know is a Disney event that takes place on November 3rd.

Also I find this an interesting question to ask these two gentleman considering they still have a lot of work to do on the projects they have on their plate right now.

FFXV trailer_snapshot_noct FFXV trailer_snapshot_luna

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As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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2 Responses to Hajime & Tetsuya What s They Are Planning To Do Next.

  1. Tyler Junky says:

    I want news about the FF7 remake. Meeeeh T_T

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