Dragon Ball Super Dubbing In The Works

In a recent interview  Sean Schemmel the voice for Goku hinted that Dragon Ball Super might be happening this year. Sean explains why it would take this long to get DBS as this is a business which mean people that Layers were had to be involved and a lot of word play was needed to make sure everything was right.

” think that’s coming and I think Dragon Ball Super should happen this year. We don’t have a contract yet but Chris called me the other day and said I think this might be happening soon. Funimation has been working hard since late last year to go to Japan and secure… Just because we have Z doesn’t mean the Japanese are gonna go OK you can have Super. It’s the whole process of lawyers meeting and talking about money and shows and whose gonna air it and what money they get for it and they have to work all that out before they call the cast members and say here’s a contract. But my guess and this is totally speculative, I’m hoping we’ll have something out in July and at the very worst case scenario August or September for school. Definitely before Christmas I’m hoping because I need a job.”

Sean also comments saying he doesn’t see another Xenoverse coming as he thinks it didn’t do well and they are working on the Buu saga for Dragon Ball Z Kai.

“I do think there is going to be. I can’t confirm it yet but Chris (Sabat, Vegeta’s Voice actor and producer of the Dragon Ball Z English dub) called me and said there’s gonna be a game coming out, I’m thinking there’s going to be some DLC or maybe another Xenoverse game I wouldn’t be surprised. Xenoverse was so successful the publishing company would be stupid not to make another one just for the sake of the money.

We were just recording something for Dragon Ball Kai maybe about 10 months ago. I’m not supposed to tell you this but we got done recording Resurrection F last year and everyone recorded on the Buu Saga but me, and I just wrapped up recording the Buu saga probably about 6 weeks ago, so I’m done. It’s done it’s gonna get released. Everyone else has recorded they have to mix it and print it and whatever but you will get the Buu saga at some point, it’s gonna happen.”



As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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