Final Fantasy Remake Vs Sequel

Hajime Tabata the director of Final Fantasy XV said he would not touch Final Fantasy VII Remake but he would do Final Fantasy VII 2. This make me ask as with Remake announcement we have asked what if we remake other games such 8,9 or even the series 6. But the questions is would a sequel satisfy you.

Now I ask you as most of the FF games are worlds to there own with small lines linking them such as 10 and 7. But the question is why as if you want to just revist the world surely the taboo rule of Final is final can be broken and we get a sequel to revisit these great stories. We did for X-2 and the XIII trilogy. We can check out how Squall and Rinoa were doing. Or Zidane and how a thief is doing at being king. With new technology we ca put in new ideas and bring for new gameplay. Plus there is no pressure for bring back the story to how it was but instead plot your own course something artist of all kinds may want to do.

Those same reason though can also make you want a remake. Not all stories in FF are clear cut and with new tech and high sight you can make the game fresh for new fans and bring old ones in to relive the adventure with there family. Also since final is final and thus you must bring back the story making it new and better for the next generation to enjoy as you and with VIIR you have shown it is possible.

I ask this as we might be asking what Square Enix is. Once the genie is out of the bottle it is hard to put it back in there so they will have to wrestle with this one way or another.

As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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