Final Fantasy VII Remake I Wouldn’t Say Development Hell

A rumor is going saying that we will have to wait longer for Final Fantasy VII Remake as development is further back than we thought as they only have 2 years of development under there belts. This has many people saying development hell where is a game is in limbo as it is development not moving forward.  This brings up Duke Nukem Forever which was in development hell forth longest time or Final Fantasy XII Versus before it became XV.

Keeping those two in mind this isn’t the same. You see we have movement on this. Progress which wasn’t seen for the longest time on the  other two project which got them gamers saying they were in development hell.

For one there is movement as concept art as well as new screenshot have been shown. The art is out there and while the screenshots were only shown to a handful a people there were still shown the new look of Cloud which I hope we get to see sometime this year as well.

The director thing with Naoki being the head and having to check with Nomura who is busy with Kingdom hearts 3. Only explains why we have 2 directors. Nothing crazy it just explains why.

Lets also remind ourselves this is a rumor that comes after members of the team said that they are making progress in recent interviews. And if you need to be reminded we already thought they did scrap CyberConnect2 work when they started talking concept art which in that case we are moving forward nicely given 2 years work. With that in mind we are far from development hell. I will admit we are far from the hope of 2019 release if this is true but still moving forward on this. But what do you guys think let me know. I will post all official FFVIIR images below.

As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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