One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 10 Countdown Breakdown

Today we will be breaking down One Punch Man season 2 Episode 10 countdown. If you have not yet go see it as this does contain spoilers. AGIAN SPOILERS AHEAD. SO PLEASE STOP NOW I YOU DO NO WANT TO BE SPOILED. Also the number is a little off as some people are numbering the episode wrong so if I am wrong sorry in advance.

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The episode basically has us seeing the hero association react to the monster as they mess with them. I saying that as they give them fake solidary speech online to mess with there heads and why not. To the monsters they re in control and for that they can mess with the humans as they see fit as to them the humans have no answer since most of the heroes were child’s play for them

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Now as the monsters are about to wipe out the board a hero takes them out but it doesn’t stop there plans. Basically with there hostage they know the heroes will come to them. When that happens they will take them out and the world will be at there mercy.

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But that isn’t all we see here. The monster enjoy this moment while also showing us they are ruthless with each other as the cockroach guy Genos fought is killed  for not only question Oriochi but also losing the fight. The woman who also lost is spared only for her power being told there won’t be another chance. But this quickly goes to the question what happen to the dragon threat level monster as they didn’t come back yet? Well if you are wondering yes they are talking about the ones who fought Saitama and lost. Now we don’t  know if the one has been talking informs Oriochi but he thinks to himself that they might be wrong about this whole easy battle thing after all.

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Now this goes along with the news paper talking about what the monster did to cause panic. This is happening as the heroes try to come with a rescue plain. Basically most of them as metal knight is out saying he sees no point and it would be better to get rid of the hide out rather than risk more people for one. This makes sense in a way as when you play the numbers it doesn’t make sense to risk so many lives for one normal person even if it is the chair man and backers son. The problem here is that is not what heroes do. Despite the odds hero are suppose to stand up for lay and order. They are suppose to protect the innocent which puts the logical versus ethical. But that doesn’t matter to Saitama as he takes out monsters not having a clue as to what is happening.

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But we now go to Garou who is in it bad as he has not had time to rest in between fights and it has caught to him. Not only did he lose to the watch dog hero(at least we presume he did as he spoke about how difficult it was for him) but he got kicked by Saitama which only made the wounds worse. So now he is hiding out until the kids bring the heroes to get him out of there hideout.

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Now there is some odd stuff with the kid as he seems to have no idea what is going on when the heroes come for Garou but you can probably see why when you give it some thought. The fact that Garou is hunting heroes is probably being kept to only heroes and police. That or this kid hasn’t put 2 and 2 together.

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Now this is bad for Garou as he is out number and injured. Even with the book which I have to laugh at him always getting to read it before he meets a new hero he is still out matched. How this goes is something

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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