Final Fantasy VII Remake Is The Only Beginning For Square Remakes

Fan are hyped for Final Fantasy VII Remake and we have only seen a little bit of it. But according to Yosuke Matsuda it is only the beginning for Square Enix.

“Put entire series out there” regardless of “what the profitability looks like on individual titles. Remakes are harder, more challenging than you might think. Just by nature of being a remake, it means that there was an original and I believe that you have to be able to surpass the original. It’s not enough just to do straight reprints of the old one because you also want to get new fans to be able to enjoy it.

It is true that each of the individual games will be released as independent games.That’s how the development team is making them. And so for that reason, I’d like for you to think of them as something you can play as standalone and itself contains a game and I think that they will be worth playing in that way.”

We talked about Sqsuare Enix do more remakes as they have come out and said after VII it will be 6 then 8. But how that will go is something we need to see as we see more of part 1 and the rest of the whole game of FF7 remake.

square enix remakes


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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