Fire Force Ep 4 The Hero & The Princess Explained

This post will be breaking down Fire Force ep 4 The Hero And The Princess. Since this is a break down of the anime there will be spoilers so please check it out where you can. AGIAN SPOILERS AHEAD.

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We start the episode with company 5 as they prepare to go into company 8 jurisdiction to get an infernal. Remember what was revealed with episode 3 in the fact that these companies do not work together and report to whom they wish to. Captain of company 5 Princess Hibana seems to basically report to no one at this time.

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The episode then goes back some time before that as Obi and Shinra see the news not mention a thing about what happened about the Rockie games and Joker. Which isn’t to suprising in on as yes Joker interfered but at the same time Shinra, Arthur and Tamaki are the only ones who saw him. So the news was lead to believe and left the fact it was nothing.

But with stated we are then told that the ashes Joker was using were from dead infernals. Given the way he controlled it right now he seems to be able to cause the ashes to ignite at will with no other control how he wants it. This short lived as Arthur and Shinra wind up going to get a cat and dog out of the tree which we find out are the mascots being the subject of a prank.

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This exchange is comical but also informing us that the public doesn’t completely like the Fire Soldiers. This is due to on fire soldier named Miymoto who commited the crime the murder. Now we never learn his name but he is tried and found innocent which people were afraid  would happen. The reason why he was found innocent and that he was not surprised is because he is a fire soldier making this basically a away to avoid bad PR as they cannot have any doubts in the people saving them. Think about it as looking at them heroes and thus we cannot see them in a bad light. Now while the audience is out raged the guy catches fire and turns into an infernal.

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Now this is unique as this infernal still has his personality. This is a first for the audience as well as the world of Fire Force or so we know off. But with him appearing Company 8 moves but with this being the case they are left in an odd place. Remember this guys still remembers who he is and thus it isn’t the same as putting him to rest as they have been done with the other infernal. At best if they put this infernal out it could be seen as killing someone. Now here is the thing to notice Takehisa gives Shinra the order to take him out so Obi can stay there team hope. It moral compase as remember it is his personality the glues them.

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Now this fight is one sided and doesn’t last long as Hibana makes her appearance. Company then moves in to take the guy in. Shinra is taken down by Hibana ability but gets back up ready to fight but is stopped by Obi. The captains then work out a deal that Company will keep the infernal and give the information to company 8. This is due to Company 8 still being new and not having a science division of there own. But I do wonder how much does Obi believe in what Hibana says. Remember he is suspicious of the other companies and technically there is no reason for this princess of the flaming fans to give him the information other than they agreed to it. But that is where the episode ends.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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