Daemon X Machina Battlefield Trailer

We have a new trailer for Daemon X Machina. The trailer is to show us how the game flow. Meaning you accept  order before missions. We also get to see your mechs in action so you might to check this out if you are getting the game or interested.

  • Step 1 – Accept Order: Head to the terminal at the hangar to accept an order. After selling your Arsenal’s equipment, you can begin the order.


  • Step 2 – Fight on the Field: There are various objectives such as defeat all enemies, defend the fortress, and such. By defeating enemies, you can acquire equipment and use it on the spot. In the video we see an example of an objective that is to defeat the boss. You can get money or plans as rewards.


  • Step 3 – Customize: Using and combining with equipment you just got, it is possible to enhance Arsenals from the Hangar through Equipment Development and Body Modification. By spending money on Body Modifications, you can enhance abilities. After powering up the Arsenal, it’s off to take more orders.


  • Step 4 – Fight Together With Allies: You can check out the console to select a boss and challenge it with Cooperative Play of up to four players. Use your very own Arsenal to work together with allies and take down bosses.



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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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