Chances Of Final Fantasy VIII Remake From Kitase Famitsu Interview

Yoshiniori Kitase sat down with Famitsu to discuss Final Fantasy VIII. This ranged from the development of the game being the difference between what can happen with a small team to how hard it is to do changes with a big team. They also talked about the chances of Final Fantasy VIII getting a remake.

Kitase jokes about FFVII Remake not being out but this article high lighted what was mentioned before with Kitase wanting the younger developers to take lead with that. This article reiterates that by saying it is up to them and that if they want to remake it then it will happen.

This is a little interesting as originally when the remake talk started officially Kitase was one of many saying the other is 7,6 then 8 or 9. Now it seems it is up to the staff of developers is something we will have to see as it will be something to see what comes next after we are doing with 7. For now though enjoy the interview below.

[Kitase was first asked by Famitsu how he feels about Final Fantasy VIII celebrating its 20th anniversary:

Yoshinori Kitase: I remember how we had more freedom when it comes to in-development changes back then. The FF series has a large development team now. This means after we’re done with the planning, it’s nearly impossible to make changes midway through (Famitsu note: Of course, it was already difficult back then as well). Until after FFVIII, we were in an era where we had more leeway.
Also, the FF series is about fantasy, so we always try to challenge ourseles to avoid monotony. We pushed this concept pretty far with FFVIII, like with the salary system instead of killing monsters for money, or the Draw System.

When asked for an anecdote regarding Final Fantasy VIII‘s development, Kitase answered:

Yoshinori Kitase: FFVIII was the first game where we ever used motion capture at Square. We had no idea what we were doing. We wanted to take data for Squall wielding his Gunblade, and we didn’t realize a light, blade-shaped object would suffice. We instead used a heavy object made of steel, which really felt like a weapon. In the worst case scenario, the motion capture actor could have injured themselves. Thinking about it now gives me cold sweats.

Yoshinori Kitase was also asked by Famitsu how did Eyes on Me end up being in Final Fantasy VIII. It was the first time a theme song was specifically made for a Final Fantasy game:

Yoshinori Kitase: Nomura proposed the idea. I was really surprised when I received his proposal, but after thinking about how we never did that before, I agreed.

Lastly, Famitsu asked Kitase what would he do if many fans asked for a “Final Fantasy VIII Remake”:

Yoshinori Kitase: Well, Final Fantasy VII Remake isn’t even out yet (bitter smile). Personally speaking, if the young staff members at Square Enix say they want to do a Final Fantasy VIII Remake then I’d like it to happen. FFVII Remake was born because everyone currently at Square Enix wanted to remake FFVII with our current technology. So rather than me, I hope the young staff will do a remake.]


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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