Inside Final Fantasy VIII Remaster Developers Diary

Final Fantasy VIII Remaster is out for everyone to enjoy. The thing is though every game is being treated like a movie and as such we get videos showing us the developers making the game as well as some interviews. This is no different as we have team behind the remaster giving us some insight into how it was made. Remember this game had to be made from the ground up as the original code was lost. With said check it out.

It is a time of war.

The Republic of Galbadia, under the influence of the sorceress Edea, mobilises its great armies against the other nations of the world.

Squall and other members of SeeD, an elite mercenary force, join hands with Rinoa, a resistance fighter, to fight against Galbadia’s tyrannical rule and to prevent Edea from fulfilling her ultimate goal.

This product is a remaster of Final Fantasy VIII, featuring multiple enhancements including additional options to customize your gameplay experience and difficulty, such as:

  • Battle assist options (HP, ATB gauge, and Limit Break boosts)
  • Game speed boost (x3)
  • No random encounters
  • Obtain all items and abilities
  • Max G.F. levels, currency (gil), and spells
  • Obtain all Limit Breaks and cards

Inside Final Fantasy VIII Remastered


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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