Boruto Japan Likes The Anime But Not The Manga

Foreverworld is YouTuber who post videos based on anime and manga. Today he posted about Boruto and why the anime isn’t adopting the manga. In most cases the anime adopts the manga story but in this instance that is not the case.  You can see this as a follow up to why we haven’t adapted the manga post I did awhile back.

According to Tokyo fans love the anime but the manga isn’t doing to well. For the most part we have series going in 2 different directions. The anime it seems to be for the new audience while the manga is for the old school. This is an issue as an anime is a way to hype up a manga but with the two mediums going in different directions neither is getting anything from the other.

That may be it but if it is the case and goes back to what we were told about the anime. Remember the anime would be covering key points in the manga but doing its own thing. This would be a first to me as I never heard of that happening with Japanese anime that is based on a on going manga.

Now again they have to adopt key points but when they will do this is unknown and if we will see it. You can argue it is to dark and what we learned from Bleach is that type of material can be too much which is strange since  Hunter X Hunter proves if done right it is fine. But another note is that you can have then anime break these moments up so they are not back to back in that sense so it can be paced easier.

But that is my take. Check out the video below and tell me what you think.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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