Type-Moon Museum Fate/ Stay Night History On Display

Type-Moon Museum is up. This museum shows off the series Fate/Stay Night. This includes the games as well as the anime from Studio Deen take to heaven’s feel. Here are a few high lights.

  1. The Face of Type-Moon.” The area recreates Kinoko Nasu‘s workspace and bookshelves, as well as the office and desk spaces at Type-Moon. Through this, you can get acquainted with Nasu’s taste in literature and music. (He owns a lot of psychology books.) The various Type-Moon staff also have short and quirky self-introductions in the form of an interview Q&A, along with a brief explanation of their roles and works at the company.
  2. Type-Moon‘s history, as shown through production materials.” A showcase of production art and materials spanning not only all of Type-Moon‘s works, but also from events and limited-time goods.
  3. “How to Make Fate/stay night.” A breakdown of the characters, videos, soundtrack, and direction of the visual novel.
  4. “Gallery Type-Moon.” A gallery of illustrations from Type-Moon works. This includes some pieces that Takashi Takeuchi drew for the U.K. travelogue included in his Return to Avalon art book, which is sold at the museum shop.
  5. Type-Moon and Our Era.” A showcase of works derived from Fate/stay night‘s setting. During the first phase of the exhibit, this area showcased production materials and the plot outline of Studio DEEN‘s Fate/stay night TV anime.
  6. “Fuyuki City; Day & Nightmare.” A 13-meter map projection and diorama shows the entirety of Fuyuki City.
  7. “A ‘Carnival’ Phantasm.” A showcase of magazine covers featuring Type-Moon characters and messages of support from various people related to the franchise.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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