Why It Is A Big Thing For 1up Conference To Be Bring Up Shadow Hearts

The other day I told you all about 1up.conference.com and that they have a poll out asking about which dormant JRPG we want back for the PS5. The choices were, Legend Of Dragoon, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story and Shadow Hearts. Now I want to hopefully point out why that is a big thing for these games especially Shadow Hearts.

First you  must understand when looking at these that they are not just some randomly picked games. All 4 have been said by the company with developers there that they would work on it or developer who have left the company but would love to work on the title. The first category refers Square Enix employees who mention now and again that they would love to work on a Parasite Eve or Vagrant Story.  The other refers Legend Of Dragoon and Shadow Hearts as you have Studio Wilde Rose with Machida and other who worked on the game hoping and telling the fans they would love to work on it again along with Blue point who said they would love to work on legend of dragoon.

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Now when fans heard this they responded with hype for each time the developers referenced brought up there games. The hype is the point as some fans got excited for the fact this could mean we can see the series return. In some case that has been while since both Vagrant Story and Legend Of Dragoon fans have been asking for a new installment since the PS1. Yet the fans are the big thing as hardcore fans know of this gamers with there ears open have heard about this but not all of them. Even with the fans following the development you have to remember that only hardcore are following it. Other fans have given up or don’t even know as they are to busy focused on games they know are coming out such as Final Fantasy VII Remake, Lost Soul Aside and so on.

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This brings me to why it is a big thing that we have 1up Conference asking this question. They are asking to see which game is in more of a demand. Machida when asked about getting back into Shadow Hearts said he didn’t think the fans where their to back it and make sure it would be profitable. After all every game if you look has it fans. The thing is if there are enough of them to show this is something worth doing. And with something like this poll you see that these games being considered shows the demand for them is being recognized. At least there is a demand.

The demand from its fans as right now as I am righting this all of them are getting some good numbers with Legend Of Dragoon leading by a little. But the thing is as someone said Instagram they would love all 4 to come back. Remember that we are talking about 4 games that have been in been asked for awhile as I stated. And as I have stated before you don’t have to be a fan of one game. This very question could be hard for some fans for the simple fact they loved all 4 titles and would love a new installment for each. Answer all the above isn’t always a cheap answer in a multiple choice it maybe be the honest one.

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But the fact that we have a site asking shows people are noticing the fans and just maybe the chance to make them work.  And that is the case for this as we have to take a look at these games and asking will they do it. Machida says he would love to make another Shadow Hearts but he doesn’t have the right so he would have to make a spiritual successor but we don’t know when that will be. He says it will be his second game and all we can do is hope we can see it soon. Legend Of Dragoon Remake Blue point is something that was brought up but we don’t know where it sits on that long list of games. Both Parasite Eve and Vagrant Story are Square Enix games. Right now the company is focusing on Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts games. Where they will put in Vagrant Story or Parasite Eve is  a big question we don’t know the answer to.

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But the fact the question was asked shows word is spreading. If word is spreading so to hopefully is demand as fans come to know there game has a chance of coming back. The chance grows with question and hopefully with this uptake companies take notice and maybe we can see these great games. These beloved series comes back stronger then ever for both old and new fans would enjoy. But that is hoping everything goes well as when it come to decision making anything can happen. Here is hoping we get what we wished for. But those are my thoughts. Let me know yours as we await to see these games some day return.


Make your voice heard here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JCh_CHP6n/

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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