Nioh On Spotify

Good news for nioh fans. Nioh 1 and 2 soundtracks are now on Spotify. The songs list which you can check out below have been said to be on the website by Tecmo themselves. If you are a fan and can’t get enough of those tunes then go check out Spotify.

  1. “Opening”
  2. “Nioh 2”
  3. “Battle I”
  4. “Mezuki”
  5. “Enenra”
  6. “Yatsu-no-Kami”
  7. “Oda Nobunaga”
  8. “Imagawa Yoshimoto”
  9. “Battle II”
  10. “Kamaitachi”
  11. “Shadow”
  12. “Battle III”
  13. “Magara Naotaka”
  14. “Front Line”
  15. “Azai Nagamasa”
  16. “Freed from this Mortal Coil”
  17. “Tokiohiro I”
  18. “Gyuki”
  19. “Dark Realm I”
  20. “Kasha”
  21. “Dark Realm II”
  22. “Dream”
  23. “Shuten Doji”
  24. “Lady Osakabe”
  25. “Okuni”
  26. “Daigoji Temple”
  27. “Tokichiro II”
  28. “William”
  29. “Otakemaru”
  30. “Nioh – Main Theme-“
  31. “Saoirse”
  32. “Opening”
  33. “Freed from this Mortal Coil”
  34. “Battle I”
  35. “Battle II”
  36. “Ayakashi I”
  37. “Region I –Kyushu-“
  38. “Ayakashi II”
  39. “Okatsu I”
  40. “Battle III”
  41. “Alchemists I”
  42. “Mononofu I”
  43. “Battle IV”
  44. “Ayakashi III”
  45. “Mononofu III”
  46. “Okatsu II”
  47. “Nobunaga”
  48. “Alchemists II”
  49. “Yamat
  50. a-no-Orochi”
  51. “Ending”

nioh soundtrack nioh 2 soundtrack


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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