Dragon Ball Super Ch 58 Lets Talk About Goku Grand Entrance

Dragon Ball Super latest chapter , ch 58 has Goku arriving on Earth and it is classic Goku. Now what do I mean by this is what we saw in the Saiyan saga and Namek saga when Goku made an entrance we see here.

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Basically Goku causally goes and checks on everyone who is fighting and sees how they are doing. If they are fine he continues on but if they need help he interferes. We saw this in Saiyan and Namek saga as Goku coming to the scene ignoring the main threat until he checks on everyone to make sure they are okay and this happen quick since Roshi and Krillin where having the trouble from the women in fused form which Goku takes care of in second and the rest having everything pretty much under wraps.

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That is until we get to Piccolo , Gohan and the androids are having an issue dealing with this guy thanks to Moro keeping him power up. With him constantly getting stronger they seem to not be able to take him down. That is until Goku comes and begins to do his own version of hit and run by attacking the guy so fast that Jaco is the only one who can see thanks to his eyes being so good.

Now there are a few things to take from here the first being Gohan fans are not happy. Even Gohan and Piccolo took down the android Moro had together the exchange between them and Goku seems to set in place a ceiling for them which can be taken in 2 ways. 1 way is they will never be at the level of Goku which is horrible. I say that as the one thing I took from the tournament of power is that any one can train to become stronger since so many of the z warriors who were put to the side in last arcs came back to fight for universe 7 by showing they fight at the same level of Super Saiyan Blue.

Another way to look at this is that the team don’t know exactly what they still want to do with them. We went from Gohan and Piccolo fighting at epic level to Goku apologizing to Gohan for making him fight and Piccolo complaining about not being able to defend the earth without him is what people are reacting too and that you can see that as these 2 will have never there own time or you can see as they still need to find there own way. Which makes more sense. But the thing here is about Goku and what he does.

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Now Goku gets into the fight and it makes him transform but that is about it. This is what i mean by Goku from the Saiyan and Namek saga as we see him showing off skill not power. We see this as he handles Sappo easily.  Even when Moro keeps pumping him full of power until he breaks him Goku doesn’t really feel him as a threat.

If you think about it too it makes sense. Goku has been training to develop more skill then just raw power sense Moro can just drain him of his chi. So that fact we are seeing him show of a new level of experience instead of a new feet of power makes perfect sense here. The biggest show of that is Ultra Instinct Sign the first forum of UI we saw during the tournament of power.

The thing is though many are seeing this as proof that Goku won’t be the deciding factor here as he arrived first before Vegeta and usually in DB the last warrior to show up or challenge the big bad is the one to send them packing. Now it isn’t a absolute formula for this but it is the one we see 90 percent of the time. But that is it for know.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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