Legend Of Dragoon Remake What About Magic

With the Legend OF Dragoon Remake maybe being a thing we need to ask how things might change and how they would stay the same. For this entry we will be looking at the idea of magic and how it might be changed.

Magic Stone of Signet | The Legend of Dragoon Wiki | Fandom

First lets begin with how magic worked in LOD. In the original you had 2 forms of magic offered to the player in the form of dragoon magic which you needed to transform into and normal magic which were more or less attack items. These items didn’t coast mp but were counted as items except for 1 and you can use them so long as you had enough in inventory.

Retro Review - Legend of Dragoon | A 90s Kid

The magic came in 3 levels and you can boost them the same way you boosted the power of your summons in Final Fantasy 8 by hitting the x buttons at the right time. The reason why we have magic items isn’t explained but it can be because in this world humans only got magic by merging with dragoon hence why in the war against the winglies they were such a big deal in turning the tide. So that is why we have attack items and not normal magic coasting mp as we normally do.

The Legend of Dragoon: All Shana Dragoon Magic - YouTube

Now to talk about how this can change in the remake if it is in the works. It will probably with boost. I don’t see that happening if the game is action RPG orientated. At least not in the same way. If it is used during non turn base combat then maybe it can work as a charge where you hold down before releasing the spell increasing the power.

Meru | The Legend of Dragoon Wiki | Fandom

Another way I can see boost still being apart of the game is through Meru. Meru is a wingly and as such posses the ability to use magic freely unlike the other member of the party. As such she can maybe use boost as a special skill. She can use boost to change magic items into stronger versions or allow those items to have more impact. Since we are talking about items this will apply to those you change not every one.

Meru Dragoon by ember5000 on DeviantArt

Now again this for if things are changed as even if we do get a new combat system it doesn’t meant they will change how magic works over all. We might just get magic items with no boost as an example of how things changes. But we will have to see how that would go if we do get the remake. But those are my thoughts let me know yours.

The Legend of Dragoon Remaster Teased by Developer | Game RantArtStation - Rose - Legend of Dragoon Fan Art, Fernando Guadix ...

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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