Sega Wants To Improve The Quality Of Sonic The Hedgehog Games

Sega has many plains for Sonic The Hedgehog. One of those plains is to improve the quality of the games. This means Sega will put more into developing which means we will have to wait longer but we will hopefully get more quality out of it.

I say hopefully as the issue to me with Sonic games is that the blue blur doesn’t really know which way to go after you go past simple platforming.  But maybe they will surprise us.

“This is the case when, back in the day, every year there used to be a new Sonic game. “And as a result of that, there are a number of times that because of that rushed production schedule, the quality of the games wouldn’t be quite where they needed to be. And so, a couple of years ago we actually said, ‘Hey, that’s gonna change, we’re gonna put more time into things.’ And that’s gonna mean that you have to wait longer between trailers and announcements and stuff like that, and we know that’s kinda annoying sometimes. We’re really excited for what’s to come, but we can’t say anything. So, thank you for being patient, and as soon we have news to share with you, we’ll share it with you.” Aaron Webber

Sega Wants to Improve the Quality of the Sonic the Hedgehog Games


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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