Dragon Ball Super Ch 64 Son Goku Of Galactic Patrol Breakdown

Dragon Ball Super Ch 64 Son Goku Of Galactic Patrol is out and we will be breaking it down. Since this is a breakdown there will be spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then please stop and go check out the latest chapter and others over at Shonen Jump and Viz Media. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

VIZ | Read Dragon Ball Super, Chapter 64 Manga - Official Shonen Jump From Japan

Okay so in the last chapter Merus sacrificed himself to give Goku a chance to win by taking away Moro ability to copy abilities as well as hoping his death would help Goku achieve a more sound control over Ultra Instinct.

But before we see that we learn that galactic patrol as someone notices they are forgetting something important. This is referring to how Merus sacrificed himself in wiping himself from time. As this settles in we see Jaco ask where is as Goku explains he is gone but here is the thing we need to watch Goku.

You have to remember that Saiyan transformations in DBZ mostly came from explosion of emotion not just power. For DBS that has been changing as they learn to master god ki with Ultra Instinct being the highest point so far. As such even though the last chapter gave us all flash back with Namek and the 1st time Goku went Super Saiyan in truth that wouldn’t work here. What we have instead is Goku focusing his emotions.

And we see Goku is focused he is calm as he basically keeps him emotions in check and taps into the power as Whis says perfectly and we see that. I am saying we are seeing that as even though it is a big transformation Gohan and Piccolo can’t sense any change after wards. All they have is a calm as Goku isn’t wasting anything.

Now with this we see Moro limit in knowledge of God ki as he knows what they are but not everything about them. He sensed Goku and Vegeta were using god ki but ultra instinct. So it is no wonder he has no idea what has happened to Goku. Not only that but as DB fans you know what is going to happen as Goku just out fights Moro no matter what he does.

The odd thing is hearing Whis and Beerus commenting about goku Performance.  It is something to take not as we have head descriptions of ultra instinct not wasting movement and allow you to be stronger in fast in that way. But the way they are talking Goku is basically matching Moro in seconds where as normally it would take a fighter a number times to do so. Meaning there maybe a limit in Ultra Instinct in adapting in the near future. But that is my take so we will have to see.

Now the thing is Moro hears Goku say that he sees it as nonsense. Keep in mind Moro is more wizard than fighter. Meaning getting his body to react like that on its own with out his control sounds nuts and outrageous. To prove it he even tries to show his true power (at least according to Gohan and Piccolo who are being used to relay that information here) only to have Goku just throw him with no problem what so ever.

Now with this display of power we hit the DB troop or mistake all the saiyans make. Because of all of there power we see them toy with there enemy instead of going all out to get rid of them. It always happens and for the most part we toss it up to saiyans being saiayns and wanting a good fight and to play with there enemy.

The only issue is that might not be the case as Beerus is concerned as Goku wants to fight as a human and not galactic patrol. A worry that makes some worry Goku might be throwing away his hero status. But we will have to see about that but let me know what you think.

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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