Bungou Stray Dogs Beast Ch 8 And Ch 9 Breakdown

Bungou Stray Dogs Beast Ch 8 The Beast Called My Self and Ch 9 Encounter are out and we will be going over them. Since this is a breakdown there will be spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the chapter online and please support the official release. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

So it is rare but we will be breaking down 2 chapters. I am doing this as the translations came fast so we had more chapters then normal to go over. But with that said lets get right into this and we see Akutagawa left with the kids to watch by Oda. He is filling for him as a substitute which he does a good job at but he gets right to asking Oda what is the deal here? To which Oda gives him a round about answer to hang up leaving Akutagawa to deal with the kids even as they take a mental toll on him.

BSD Beast Chapter 8 (English Translation) - Album on Imgur

Now for fans of the series this is a treat as we see one of the most violent characters in the series plays kids and attend class like he is a parent. He isn’t out of character as he stares are the teacher so much he scares her and worries the other teachers around him. Again it is fun for those who followed the series to see this change and to see Akutagawa by the end of it just on the fall saying kill me and if you don’t get it ask that one parent who was left to deal with a kids party by themselves and they will tell you why. But we soon get the reason why Oda did to Akutagawa as one of the kids bothers him during dinner.

Kosuke wants him to train him for cooking him the meal as an exchange and it goes as you might think as Kosuke despite being fast doesn’t really stand a chance against someone like Akutagawa but he didn’t care as he will keep going. Similar to how we see in some manga heroes to never give up. Akutagawa breaks this by showing him that not even if he had a gun he would stand chance as Akutagawa ability as we know protects him from such thing. This may sound cruel but if anyone can deliver the proper reality check it is him.

With all that said Akutagawa meets with Oda and says he will never do a job like that again. To which Oda thanks him for it all the same and gives him his stamp. We then go to the cage the agency uses as we see Akutagawa enjoying some tea as Atsushi comes in.

Now they talk and we see something very rare with these 2 in that they smile while enjoying the other company. Due to Akutagawa being jealous of Atsushi for being Dazi new understudy in the main series and other reason when ever these 2 meet it is usually result in a fight. But here we don’t get that as they enjoy a smile and some peace. At least at first.

Of course this all ends when Atsushi hands over the package and Akutagawa sees it is his sister. This results in a fight but not tin the usual manner. In the usual manner we see these 2 fight but Atsushi is fighting cleanly where normally due to his healing he is taking the blunt of the blows as he progresses. Here though since he has been fighting longer then in the main series we see him dodging and attacking with confidence and meaning. But given how is fighting so close to the agency he backs away. Akutagawa wants to go in but falls due to an injury from Atushi. And we are leaving it there. Let me know what you think and we will be coming back with the next breakdown here.

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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