Next Cyberpunk 2077 Update Will Improve The Frustrating Police System

We have some Cyberpunk 2077 news. There is a new update on the way that will address the police problem. Cyberpunk is like GTA where most of the fun is getting into trouble. The issue is once you have a warrant in this game the fuzz is all over you. The patch will give you a little breathing room.

“The latest on Cyberpunk 2077’s next update was shared in a series of videos and comments from developers regarding Patch 1.2. First up on the list of things to be taken care of was the NCPD response time which, in case you haven’t ticked off Cyebrpunk 2077, is a bit unfair as it stands. The second you do anything to have a warrant issued against you, you’re swarmed by police from every direction. That includes them spawning directly behind you, so unless you hunker down in a small room with only one exit, you’ll be left spinning in circles trying to keep tabs on all the NCPD officers around you.”

“This is an important step in addressing the behavior of the police in our game,” a joint statement from Cyberpunk 2077’s Lead Gameplay Designer Patryk, and Technical Design Coordinator Łukasz. “It should decrease the problem of NPCs spawning behind players’ backs and create an impression that it takes some time for the police to arrive at the crime scene after the crime has been reported. We’ve also added a recon “drone” unit to create the feeling of the police assessing the situation.”

Article:Next Cyberpunk 2077 Update Will Improve the Frustrating Police System (

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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