Cog Connected Has Shadow Hearts As One Of The Absolute Insane Classic JRGS

We are back again as another videogame website is paying respects to the classic and Shadow Hearts is included. COV Connected has done a top 11 classic JRPGs that are absolutely nuts. But what does that mean? Well from the paragraph they left it is in the positive sense as they recommend playing the game. This is what they said.

“You know what I don’t see a lot of? Historical fantasy JRPGs. You know what else I don’t see a lot of? Horror JRPGs. You know what developer Sacnoth’s Shadow Hearts and its direct sequel, Shadow Hearts: Covenant offer? Historical fantasy-horror JRPG action. These games have it all: spooky ghosts, real-world locations, a lovely tour of pre- and mid-WWI Asia and Europe, and some of the funniest characters who’ll ever make you feel an emotion. In short, the franchise offers some top-grade dark comedy with your surprisingly nuanced character development, genuinely scary horror story, and neat alternate history exploration. They follow Yuri Volte Hyuga, a snarky young man who happens to be a Harmonixer–a sorcerer who can absorb the Malice of monsters and forcibly lay them to rest, while also giving him the power to take on their forms–which is good, because the voice in his head won’t stop demanding he do increasingly dangerous things. Yuri’s primary orders are to protect Alice Elliot, a young cleric, from a man who needs her powers to save the world. By destroying it. And that’s only in the first game.

Most JRPGs have you start out fighting slimes or goblins. In Shadow Hearts, you start out fighting skinned corpses. Covenant tones down some of the horror elements–some–but retains the same bizarre sense of humor, surprisingly strong relationships, and spooky monsters. You’ll desperately juggle spells and sanity points while trying not to let your party members go berserk, recruit Princess Anastasia pre-revolution and ransack NPCs’ homes for gay porn you can trade for better equipment, and become increasingly worried about Yuri’s mental and emotional health as he absorbs more and more of the world’s Malice. These games start out creepy and spiral into Lovecraftian territory without ever losing sight of what makes them charming. I really can’t recommend them enough. No comment on the third game, Shadow Hearts: From The New World, though. You can have too much of a good thing.”

Now for anyone who is interested Shadow Hearts games comes in at number 5 in the countdown. I am saying games as the site is counting Shadow Hearts and Covenant together. Makes sense they are straight sequels as both follow Yuri adventures. As with other article I have mentioned on Shadow Hearts being mentioned by videogame sights is that this shows the game is beloved and deserves to come back. Article such as these shows that. Especially since this was done last week. You can count it to nostalgia sure. But at the same time we still have new people showing interest into what old school players are talking about. Interest that turns them into fans as well. As such we can only hope that more articles like this persuade Universal Entertainment to give the series another shot. We can hope so.

Shadow Hearts cover

Article:11 Classic JRPGs That are Absolutely Insane (Part 2) (

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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