Aksys Games and RareBreed Makes Games announce 2D fighting game Blazing Strike for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC

Akys Games and Rare Breed new 2d fighter Blazing Strike has been confirmed for PS5, PS4, Switch and PC. This news came with a summary for the game that reads as the following.

“Inspired by classic arcade fighting game series from industry greats such as Capcom and SNK, Blazing Strike evokes the excitement and nostalgia of 2D pixel art genre pioneers while incorporating a unique games system with modern mechanics.

Blazing Strike features a four-button system with six normal attacks: light, medium and heavy punches and kicks, as well as three defense moves: block, guard and parry. A Rush Trigger enables fighters to execute fast-paced attacks and movements, but using it will slowly drain the Rush Meter, sending the character into a temporary groggy state. This allows players to execute exciting combos while having to manage the Rush Meter. The game will include three play modes: Story Mode, Arcade Mode, and VS Mode, with training, sparring, and online match via Persona AI, and online play powered by GGPO.”

So far for news we have the release date of Spring next year. The fact that it will have rollback sounds good but we still need to see more to see how this rush mechanic and graphics will work. In the mean time the presidents of the 2 companies seem excited in the new project.

“As the interest in fighting games continues to grow, we’re excited to see a title that explores new ideas in fun and creative ways while tipping its hat to grandfathers of the genre,” said Aksys Games CEO founder Akibo Shieh in a press release.

RareBreed Makes Games founder Mark Chung added, “I was always fond of classic fighting games and I wanted to make a fun fighting game with an emphasis on mobility. Our goal is to create an homage to the classic pixel art-based 2D fighters, but with updated game mechanics that not only will bring nostalgia to 90’s arcade kids but will offer something new and entertaining to all gamers, regardless of whether they have played fighting games before.”

At the moment that is all but If I hear anything else I will let you know.

Blazing Strike

Article:Aksys Games and RareBreed Makes Games announce 2D fighting game Blazing Strike for PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC – Gematsu

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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