A Real Witcher School

So The book series has been adapted into a hit game, TV, Anime and now real life. A larping company has taken over a castle and will train people on being Witchers in Poland. For Witch fans this cool as it sound like a summer camp thing for adult where it is themed to your such rock and roll band camp.

“A Polish company is offering fans of The Witcher the chance to actually learn the Witcher trade in a three-day immersive LARP experience. The Polish company 5 Zywiolow (Polish for 5 Elements) is hosting a series of Witcher School events that will take place this fall at several Polish castles. The 3-day experience will put attendees through 12 hours of Witcher training per day, with classes on archery, elixir making, and wilderness survival, as well as monster hunts in the evening. The event will also include an unfolding storyline with NPCs and mysteries to explore throughout the day. The experience is billed as a “360 degree” experience, with staff staying in-character during the entire event.

5 Zywiolow is an established LARP company in Poland that manufacturers LARP costumes and equipments, and they’ve licensed with CD Projekt to launch their Witcher School event. You’ll receive a costume for the event, along with a personalized experience based on your fitness level and knowledge of the Witcher universe. While Witcher School is billed as an immersive experience, attendees will also have access to safety tools and signs to keep their experience enjoyable and fun. Anti-COVID procedures will also be in place to minimize the chance of a COVID outbreak during the event.”

If this sounds like your thing and you live in Poland look into this as you might enjoy it.

You Can Become a Real-Life Witcher at Witcher School


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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