Streaming No More Heroes 3 Tunes Till Release

Good news for No More Heroes fans. Marvelous will be streaming No More Heroes 3 soundtrack until its release. Keep in mind that is September 2nd. You can check it out in the YouTube link and if you want to know what the name of the song you can check out the list here. Enjoy as we await to get to play with Travis and the others for an all new adventure in Santa Destroy.

  1. ”I L Y”
  2. ”Start the game”
  3. ”Phantom Skate ( Gokko of Itachi )”
  4. ”hikuidori bite”
  6. ”Gold Joe”
  7. ”UFO Passage”
  8. ”B’s Theme”
  9. ”Naomi’s Lab”
  10. ”Gozz ( New World Order )”
  11. ”Awesome Holyday in the Sky”
  12. ”Musical Chair”
  13. ”Octopus ( Deadly Seppun )”
  14. ”Head-On Fight”
  15. ”Beast Test ( O-Juken )”
  16. ”Feast Matsuri”
  17. ”Dead Orca Force”
  19. ”gravedigger”
  20. ”Night in Prague”


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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