Kamiya Provides A Brief Update On Bayonetta 3

Platinum Studios Kamiya poste a brief update on Bayonetta 3. The update basically has him telling us the team is hard at work on the project and would love to have the fans cheering they show more of it much less release it. It may sounds similar to the last update but here he went a little bit deeper.

“If you remember last time, I said that even though everyone was asking about Bayonetta 3, maybe you should tell everyone to forget about it for a while. I kind of need to keep to that stance for now because ultimately, it’s not our decision what to say and when to say it.

As much as everyone is clamoring to see it, we are really, really waiting to release it too. Everyone who is working on the project is of course very proud of what we’re doing and wants everyone to see what we’re doing. As much as fans are waiting for it, we are waiting for the day when we can show it. We want everyone to cheer us on as we run to the final stretch. We want to show it too!” Kamiya

Remember that all we have of Bayonetta 3 is a teaser that shows that unlike last time Bayonetta maybe in over her head. This teaser has more meaning then we think according Platinum but as to what that is no one has figured. Hopefully we get some news on it sooner rather than later so that we can see what new threat are favorite witch has to face now.

Bayonetta 3 Developer Provides Update on the Dormant Nintendo Switch Game


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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