The King Of Fighters XV Team Orochi Story

The King Of Fighters XV has update the team story to show us team Orochi. They are revived thanks to Verse bring them back but while them seem not to have major plans to revive there god yet it seems they do have plains for Verse or his power. Which means they have there eyes on Shun. Especially Shermie who seems to think he is cute. Feels odd as you want them to show some dark intent but here we have them with out there orochi side just be normal . Does this mean we won’t see there other sides in the game ? Not even as DLC? we will have to see.Check out the full story to see who the revived characters are taking in being alive again.

“In the midst of a seemingly endless expanse of darkness appears the cracks of a deep fissure.
It grows with frightening speed. The gap in the middle widens with a low groan, and beyond shines a universe of innumerable blinking lights. Though the sight resembles a galaxy, there is something altogether otherworldly about it.
The space through the gap feels so close as to be separated by the thinnest of membranes, but at the same time, like it is an eternity away. The very moment the trio notice a presence from beyond, countless hands suddenly erupt from the cosmic crevice.
A torrent of hands floods into the darkness, swallowing up the three who’d been drifting in that empty space. Something cracks, and with a rumble, Yashiro Nanakase, Shermie, and Chris are thrown onto familiar soil.Several days later, the three enjoy a pleasant afternoon in the corner of a café, blending in seamlessly with the other customers.
“That spectacle can’t have been a mere coincidence. Someone out there must have caused it.”
Chris reaches out for his juice on the table, eyes glued to his smartphone.
“Right? It was too real to be a dream.”
“Didn’t feel as if someone revived us on purpose, though. Not a member of the Orochi clan, at the very least.”
Yashiro answers through mouthfuls of his sandwich while Shermie takes out a freshly-purchased magazine and spreads it on the table.
Chris lets the straw fall from his lips and returns his glass to its coaster before continuing.”It was just a moment, but I sensed a very bizarre power. If you told me it was Gaia’s Will of another planet or something, I’d be inclined to believe it.”
Yashiro halts mid-bite, sandwich in hand. He looks over at Chris absentmindedly fiddling with his phone. Sensing Yashiro’s gaze, Chris returns it with a glance.
“You may be right. Still, who gives a crap who they are? If they’re useful, we’ll use ’em, and that’s all there is to it. We did get this invitation, after all…”
A devil-may-care grin spreads across Yashiro’s face as he waves a letter affixed with a gorgeous seal. Chris can’t help but smile in response.
“Simple-minded as always… Still, you have a point.”
As the two of them return to their smartphone and sandwich, Shermie lets out a soft gasp over her magazine.

“What’s this?”
She turns the magazine to face her companions and points to one of the pages.
“Say, you two, take a look at this. Those hands we saw… Don’t they look like what this kid has?”
The article Shermie excitedly indicates is a feature on the “King of Fighters” tournament. Printed on the page is a photo from the previous tournament, which depicts a boy controlling large, phantasmagoric hands.
“His name’s Shun’ei. Not the greatest shot, but he’s a cutie for sure. ♪”
Shermie dreamily places a hand on her cheek, which causes Chris and Yashiro to exchange glances before taking a look for themselves. The image is indeed a bit blurry, as if it was taken from a distance. Yashiro furrows his brow.
“Yeah, I guess they look similar, but this photo’s kind of crappy…”
“That just means we’ll have to see for ourselves at the tourney, doesn’t it?”
Shermie pulls the magazine back, the smile never leaving her face.
“Hee hee, right you are! One more thing to look forward to. ♪”
Yashiro pops what is left of his sandwich into his mouth and reaches for his iced coffee. Chris also goes for his drink, only to find nothing but ice clinking inside. He turns and calls out to the staff.
“Excuse me!”
While keeping the approaching waiter in the corner of her eye, Shermie fixates on the magazine article, thumbing page after page eagerly.
Surrounded by the gentle afternoon air and monotonous music playing in the cafe, Yashiro yawns, then leans over and gives the table a light slap. This startles a couple high school girls at the neighboring table, though they soon turn back to their own conversation.
“Right, so about that new song.”
At these words, Shermie closes her magazine, and Chris sets his phone down on the table.
“Oh, that’s right. Sorry, we got a bit off track.”
“Can’t wait for our revival concert! We’d better whip up something fun.”
The trio then sink back into their normal routine.
Not a single person gives their conversation a second thought: not the chatty high school girls next to them; not the office worker reading a newspaper across the way; and not even the staff drowsily making the rounds in the café.
Indeed, none of them could ever imagine that this eccentric group of friends belong to the very Orochi clan that desires the extinction of the human race.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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