The King Of Fighters XV Team Art Of Fighting Story

The King Of Fighters Xv team story for Art Of Fighting team is up. The new story explains why Yuri is out as Ryo thinks she is too weak to compete since she has been at the dojo lately. For KOF faithful this is a flash back as this is what Yuri to join the women team to prove her father and brother wrong.

We also see an official change as Marco is now Marco instead of Khushnood Butt(a translation decision). While this is small to many fans they want this change as it was just a name that doesn’t really suit a fighter much less a serious cool like Marco. With that said you can check out the story here.

The sun shines brightly over South Town. Gazing up at a glimmering, fancy sign above a restaurant on Main Street, two men stand, luggage bags slung over their shoulders.
The restaurant has a line going out the door, above which its sign beams: “Kyokugen BBQ”. One of the men, Marco Rodrigues, gulps as he eyes the eager crowd chatting and browsing the menus.
“Looks like business is booming.”
The restaurant is even bigger and fancier than the other man, Ryo Sakazaki, remembered. He looks at the restaurant with a feeling hard to describe. Neither apprehension nor displeasure, it is just something he cannot put a name to―much to his chagrin.
No matter how hard he tried to expel all thoughts during training, the name “Kyokugen BBQ” would stand strong, casting a pall over his mood like dark clouds rolling in. Those dark clouds loom over his heart right now.
Ryo and Marco make their way to an employee entrance. Once they press the buzzer and give their names, they are allowed through to the manager’s office. It is a tidy place occupied by two people: Ryo’s father, Takuma Sakazaki, and Ryo’s best friend and fellow student, Robert Garcia. They smile and rise to their feet as soon as Ryo and Marco enter.
“Ah, Ryo! Marco! You’re back!”
“Been a while, guys! Sorry I couldn’t come get you.”
Robert walks over to Ryo and gives his shoulder a friendly slap. In response, Ryo smiles, as Marco bows.
“It’s cool. Nice to see business is going good for you guys. Is Yuri here…?”
Just as Ryo turns to scan the area for his little sister, she emerges from the open doorway, visibly fatigued. She trudges her way into the office without noticing the two visitors.
“This is too much work for a side hustle… Sorry, Robert. I don’t think I can hit up the dojo today, either.”
“I hear ya, Yuri. Even Kyokugen BBQ’s poster gal needs a break. Get some rest once you finish your shift, huh?”
“Sure. I’m gonna sleep through until lunchtime… Hm? Oh, hey, guys! You’re back!”
Perhaps boosted by Robert’s compliment, Yuri straightens her drooping shoulders, and finally notices Ryo and Marco. On seeing how hard Yuri has been throwing herself into her part-time work, the dark clouds in Ryo’s heart grow thicker.
“Good to be back. You’re looking well, Yuri.”
“I guess. It’s been crazy at work lately. I’m practically dead on my feet.”Yuri’s hair has grown out, and bobs as she moves. Ryo looks on, trying to remind himself there is nothing wrong with helping out a family business. He turns back to Takuma and Robert.
“Oh yeah. I’m thinking about competing in this KOF to see if my training’s paid off. How about you, Dad? Robert? Got any plans?”
“My hands are full here. It’s a critical time, so I can’t afford to be away.”
Ryo’s brows furrow ever so slightly at Takuma’s casual dismissal. Nobody around him seems to notice. Takuma folds his arms and looks over at Robert.
“Robert, you join Ryo’s team! And don’t forget to advertise Kyokugen BBQ!”
Robert replies to his master with energy before turning to Ryo and holding out a hand with a grin.
“I could use this. Been so busy runnin’ this place, it’d be nice to get a sweat on outside the dojo! Thanks, Ryo!”
“…Sure thing! Great to have you on board!”
As Ryo shakes Robert’s hand, the firmness of their grips reassures him and brings his usual smile back to his face. Picking up on this, Marco quietly lets out a sigh of relief.
“Great. One spot to go. If it’s you and me, then three has to be Yuri.”
“Sure thing. You can always count on me!”
Yuri leans in as Robert speaks. Ryo eyes her, his smile fading.
He thinks back to Yuri’s earlier remark. After a moment of silence, he speaks in a low tone.
“…No. You’re out this time, Yuri.”
“What?!””Huh? Why?”
Yuri and Robert’s eyes widen in shock. Takuma looks on quietly, his arms folded, while Marco gives Ryo and Yuri a concerned gaze.
With his eyes fixed sternly on Yuri, Ryo asks a simple question.
“When did you last train at the dojo?”
“Uhh… I wanna say…like, two months ago?”
“Don’t tell me you’re still in top shape. You know how tough the competition at KOF is. You know what lengths everyone goes to. So, I’ll be real: you’re weak. You can’t win anything!”
Ryo’s words clearly hit Yuri hard. She just stands there, opening and closing her mouth, like she’s trying to protest, but can’t because his words hit home.
After several moments trembling in silence, Yuri speaks, her voice quivering.
“H-How could you say that…? Weak?! I am NOT weak! You, you…jerk!”
Yuri runs out of the office. Ryo watches her go while Robert giving an understanding nod. He pats his best friend on the shoulder.
“You know Yuri, a competitive streak a mile wide. Don’t worry about her. She’ll get back in the groove soon enough.”
Ryo’s only response is a light sigh. Robert tilts his head thoughtfully.
“So who’s our third member? Marco?”
Marco quickly stands to attention. Ryo looks pensive.
“Actually, I’ve got someone else in mind…”The Illusion Bar is getting ready to open. King is standing behind the bar counter inside, polishing drink glasses, when she hears the door open and close again. As footsteps approach, she looks up and starts to speak in a cool, dismissive tone.
“Bar’s closed… Oh, it’s you. Don’t startle me like that.”
“Sorry to interrupt your opening prep. Mind if I sit here?”
King’s expression softens when she sees Ryo. He waves and grabs a seat at the bar counter.
“Knock yourself out. Want a post-training drink?”
King notices Ryo’s somber expression, and knits her brow in concern―he is never usually like this after wrapping up training. She lowers the glass she is polishing to give him her full attention, but before she can ask what is wrong, Ryo looks up and stares at her resolutely.
“Hey, King? Can I be serious with you for a second?”
King falters slightly.
“What’s got into you?”
“Look. You and I go back a long ways. We understand each other. I feel comfortable being around you.”
King can’t tell what he is trying to say. She grows nervous.
“We’ve gotten to know each other really well… You’re the only one I think is right…”

“Uh, um…”
His expression earnest, he speaks with sincerity. She knows how he operates, and suspects this has something to do with Kyokugen or martial arts or something. But to her, there is still a slim chance this could be leading somewhere…else… Given his phrasing, King can’t quite bring herself to rule out the possibility. Her cheeks flushed, she waits for him to finish.
Ryo’s eyes open widely, and he leans in with his hands planted on the bar counter.
“King, I need to know… Would you join our team and compete with us in KOF?!”
King sighs and drops her hands to the countertop, hanging her head, exasperated with herself for getting her hopes up. Ryo naturally misinterprets this: “You won’t do it?!”
“No, I will. I was on reserve for this KOF anyway… I’m sure Mai’ll have no trouble finding teammates herself.”
King flashes a smile to ease the clearly tense Ryo.
“You’ll really do it…?!”
“Sure. Haven’t teamed up with you guys in a while anyway.”
“Great! You’re the best, King!”
Ryo smiles broadly, taking King’s hand firmly; she responds with a firm grip of her own, all the while thinking about how damn dense he is.

If you like what you see please hit the line and follow buttons. Please check out the newest page of my comic as well as past pages and chapters here This is Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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