One Piece Creator Hype For One Piece Red

One Piece not only showed ep 1000 this weekend but also One Piece Red. The film is set to be released next year focusing someone with a serious voice as well as Shanks it seems. But while fans get excited over the film we see Eichiro Oda the creator of the series showing his support for the film.

“We’re making a movie! ‘RED’! I’m tired of drawing legendary old men in movies LOL! Let me draw a girl! ‘This is the character we wanted to create now!’ That’s how it started. Did you know that the great director, Goro Taniguchi, who now seems like he is making something totally different from ‘ONE PIECE’ was actually the first person in the world to make Luffy into an anime? Now we have a lot more ‘surprises’ in store for you. The new movie ‘RED’! Please let your fantasy fuel your imagination while you look forward to it!” 

Very little is know about the film but as we learn more I will let you know as we look forward to see how this goes.

One Piece Creator Hypes New Movie, One Piece Film: Red


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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