The King Of Fighters XV Breakdown of K9999 Return Which Is Krohnen

With the Game Awards last night SNK fans were watching to see what King Of Fighters XV news we would get. Many had thought that Kula, Elizabeth, Nameless or Maxima would be the one to be revealed. None so Krohnen who is basically K9999 redone. This took the fan base by surprise and left many scratching their heads. For those still confused we will go over it. Before that though check out the trailer

Now a little backstory to explain why the SNK fandom is so shocked. When we got KOF 2001 we got team Nest which had Kula, Foxy, Angel and K9999(k49) a clone of K who was nuts. Store wise his power made him nuts but in terms of characters he is as vicious and crazy as Vice or Yamazaki. meaning he would lash out at anyone and kill them. The only safe person was Angel as the 2 seem to click. As to why it was never explained. Now we would only see him appear in 2 games. KOF 01 and KOF 02. You see when Elioth made the character as they have the right to KOF at this point they made him based off of Tetsyuo from Akria. And by that I do not mean inspired as he is point for point him down to the animation as well as the same voice actor. but when SNK took back the rights and came out with KOF 2002UM K49 was no where. As such many though it was a legal issue and thus we thought we would never see the character again

As such many thought we would get Nameless. Make sense as SNK has been putting him everywhere but in a main title as he was to replace K49. Now as far as back story he was another clone but he wasn’t insane like his predecessor. He was mourning. You see he had a friend who looked liked Kula but unlike him she didn’t survive the experiments. She would be used to help control the flame power he has with Nest promising to bring her back some day if he brings back K. That is his story. As for his moves they are all a take on k49 with his own twist of adding flames to them. You see K49 despite being a clone of someone using flames barely had many fire moves. As such with Nameless he would have a shapeshifting arm but also he would use more moves.

KOF 2002 Unlimited Match: Nameless y la desaparición de K9999

This brings me to Krohnen who is basically k49 with new art style. But that doesn’t mean something of Nameless aren’t in here. Unlike previously he has more moves that will set you ablaze with robotic moves to take place of the mutated ones. Again the point is this is not tetsuyo or K9999 as no one wants to get sued. Something you can see in this video thanks to Orphus who did a side by side comparison as he always does.

Okay so now we have Krohnen but with him being here we are left confused. As we all though if k9999 would be in the game it would be through Nameless. This logic is from the fact that SNK has been using Nameless in K999 place since 2002. While that is not for main line games for every mobile title they have Nameless is there. But for main line games it seems SNK won’t be using him. It feels odd especially if you look back at an interview where Oda said that maybe one say we would find out what happened to Angel partner aka K9999. The interview was from 2016 so they were thinking about this for a bit and Nameless was continued to be used by the KOF mobile games. So then is this the line or will SNK in nest team story have a reason why we still don’t get Nameless? To be honest I will laugh if Krohnen gets colors or an alternate dressing him up as Nameless. But we will see where this goes. Let me know your thoughts.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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