My Thoughts on Four Knights of the Apocalypse Ch 60 Lions in Flames Gawain is Introduced Properly

Four Knight of the Apocalypse ch 60 is out and I would like to talk about it as we get 2 big things here. the 2nd is being that we get to finally see who Gawain is. But first we have to talk about the part which is Pellegrade who is going through an awful lot to get to Percival.

To remind anyone he wants him as his student and while you would think he would try to wait until he comes out of lions to do this here he is in the enemy den coming for Percival. Now yes the knights do seem to have some part of the chaos power. How much is unclear. But I do not think that Pellgrade can take on all the holy knights as well as Tristan and or Tristan. And that is thinking about him taking on those in focus as Melidoas would end this in a second. So for him to come all this way for Percival shows how determined he is to make this happen

Now there are 2 things happen this chapter with Pellegrade taking on the holy knights and the other is dealing with Tristan female companion Isolde who is still embrassed by Percival. We see here she thinks she does look pretty because of her height which I have to be honest I feel like Tristan can fix this easily by just introducing her to Diane. But we see she is with someone who is complementing her trying to make her feel better. We find out as they talk this person is a charming who has a way with words and by the end of the chapter we find out it is Gawain herself. Now here is the one thing about this I didn’t realize this until I check out reddit but Macrom300 noticed that Nakaba has been showing Gawain true self in the past chapters only we didn’t realize it. Since they started looking for her it seems Nakaba has teased at her being someone to look out for.

The thing about this though is many are now are asking 2 things. Is she into women and that is hard to tell as we need more time with her to find this out as this might just be Gawain trying to cheer Isolde up trying to be a kind person. The other part is her power as her saying she is the master of the Sun has many thinking she might be Escanor reincarnated or some link to him. But I think it is more to Mael in some ways. I say some ways as we have to remember the different between the 2 Escanor used the power he got from Mael for his strength mainly. Mael used his power more of as caster using it to not just to use in increasing his strength but also in magic.. That was those 2 we have no idea if this will be a combination of them or something else. Remember we are talking about someone who if Percival is anything to go by will have access to magic on the same level or even the same type what that means we will have to see.

That said I like this chapter mainly due to the fact I wasn’t expect Gawain to be her. I just didn’t think about it making it a nice surprise. A surprise that is made oh so better with the fact that Similar to Gowther reveal Nakaba had this lady in front of us the whole time just to tease up to the final moment. I can’t wait to see what the next chapter will bring as thing are getting exciting.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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