What can Come from the Shadow Hearts Trademark

The big news for RPG fans of the PlayStation 2 days is that Shadow Hearts was trademarked by Universal Entertainment. News that caught us all surprise as many fans including myself emailed them only to get a response that they weren’t doing anything with the game. This made think with the studio member scattered and the one who owned the rights not willing to use it that the game would have a slime chance if anything. And by that I mean vey slim. That said despite the joy we still have questions. All we have is a trademark for all things electronic and toys. But given it time many think it could mean great things and I want to talk about them.

1st PlayStation Premium. With Sony new 3rd tier getting access to classic games Many think this taht Shadow Hearts will join that library of PS1 games making it the first pS2 title for it if the hunch is right. If so it will be a great thing as it would make getting the game easier. With Universal Entertainment no longer in the videogame business it made it hard to get any of the games especially 1 and 2. Thus games that were 60-40 dollars is 100 on Ebay if you can find copy. Especially Covenant which is the one many love.

2nd a new game or remake is something on many minds. This might go with the fact that we know Wild Rose is working on something but we don’t know what. Wild Rose is made of people who worked on the Shadow Hearts titles. The team keep talking about Shadow Hearts and thus many hope the next game will another installment into the series. I say installment as the 3rd game according to Matsuzo Machida was supposed to be prequel but was canned. If this is the next installment and the team are allowed to continue with what they were working on. But that is not the only thing as we must also mention HD of remake. The studio is the reason why there is a petition out so that they can get the rights.

3rd an HD or remake is something fans are asking to give the game modern graphics as well as more voice overs to make fell more on par with the other games of the genre. That said gameplay to many should be touched as it is one of the elements that makes the game unique. Also unlike the games you are think of SH doesn’t have an open world so it should be as huge of a challenge as Final Fantasy VII. That said this bring us one issue and that we don’t know if this will only be for the first game or the whole collection.

We are all basing this on the trademark which only tells us Universal Entertaiment has the rights. As to what they will do beyond this we don’t know. So far they have only redon the pachinko machine back in 2016. Interesting number as it is the same that Machida did an interview about the series. A series many have asked to be brought back from fans itching to play it again to game journalist from many websites. Given how thing are it would do well. But which will it be? The old games brought back through PlayStation Plus Premium? A new entry that was mentioned too but canceled? Or will it be a remake or HD collection? All of this is good either way. It is good as it brings it back into conversation again and with any of these options we can have it get exposed to a new audience and hopefully through that bring the series back. lets hope.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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2 Responses to What can Come from the Shadow Hearts Trademark

  1. Galaxy says:

    I really wish universal entertainment would give the shadow hearts rights to the shadow hearts creator I really wish they can announce a new shadow hearts a remake and a remaster I just want news on shadow hearts since that interview back then.

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