My Thoughts on Dragon Ball Super Ch 84

Dragon Ball Super ch 84 is out and we will be talking about it. If you have not seen the chapter yet go check it out to avoid spoilers. AGAIN, SPOILERS AHDEAD.

We start he chapter still looking back at Bardock flash back. The flash back that has Vegeta and Goku revaluating what it means to be saiyans. Something you do to as a reader. Now they are still a warrior race but we see them show more sides then just the planet destroying race we have come to know. As such we get a new look. One we have not gotten in all the series.

That said having Vegeta get made at the fact it was Bardock that enlightened them to this is a little funny. Given all of his pride of being the Saiyan prince to be reminded what it means to be one by a lower level warrior is a little humorous to me. That said his guilt over what the saiayans did was only introduced in this arc so it also doesn’t feel like the big of a character arc. Granted this is the first time in this series we met an enemy who suffered under the Saiyan race (Remember this take place before GT). Which means before Baby.) That said I have some complaints as I don’t like Goku getting away from planet Vegeta being a dragon ball wish.

With Broly they made it as Bardock can tell something was up as it seemed funny and he seemed to be smarter than the rest. Fans accepted this better then him having the ability to see the future. This latest version feels a bit like seeing into the future cheapening it a bit. That said it is short lived as we see Gas has found them. With Goku in classic look but Vegeta in his Majin Buu saga look. As I said I like it for now as it gives us a different look for the characters. That said we also see both Ultra instinct and Ultra Ego standing together ready to fight.

The thing is the fighting is similar to before. Powered up but not really getting anywhere. This changes with the end of the chapter though with Vegeta as his damage is making him stronger. Again we don’t know how much damage he can take though as it is not like he is healing. I saw that as it does give them something to work with but it is not the absolute answer. As to what that is I am itching to see in the next chapter.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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