What would it be Like if Kurando Got his Own Shadow Hearts Game

Many fans are itching to see what we get from the Shadow Hearts trademark renewal as we hope it leads to the game going PS plus, remaster, HD collect or a new game. With the idea of a new game I would like to talk about the idea Kurando getting his own game in the series. For this we will talk about the character before talking about the plot (as i believe it would be) and changes to his abilities.

Kurando Inugami is last edition to your part for Shadow Heart Covenant who you met in Japan. The young Samurai is the cousin of Yuri the protagonist of this and the first game. As such Kurando too has access to fusion. But unlike his world wondering cousin Kurando is limited to just 2. He is straight forward and bound by duty. Who also happens to become a focus of Anastasia affections?

With that clear up so we know who Kurando is lets talk about the idea of him being the main. This would make him the focus and have him traveling EuroAsia. Why? The best idea I can think of is that someone kidnapped Anastasia. The Russian royal family would then ask for Kurando to find her. My idea is that someone who wanted to out due Rasputin but has no direct ties to him kidnaps her for some ritual. At least that is my idea for how the plot should start.

Now as for his abilities. Kurando is a fusion but unlike the main fusions you are used to he gets 2. In Shadow Hearts the main fusions get access to many forms attributed with each having there own elements or element so they can take what ever role the player needs for the party. But What learned of Yuri family is despite this being common among his clan is that most only get one element. If Kurando is to be the lead then he will need to find some way to expand his power. Maybe an incident where the enemy cast a spell and it grants access to more souls but in exchanged he too must deal with the graveyard. That said Kurando should keep his 2 fusion Tsukihomi and Jutendoji. Only elevating them Tsukihimi being his level 3 with Jutendoji keeping his status as his ultimate fusion but give him a new spell to play with. Those are my thougths though. What are yours. Let me know.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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