The Halo Show Highlights Issues with Adapting Videogames

To many Halo the TV show missed the mark. This miss has become a topic for conversation as it brings to mind videogames cannot be adapted into shows or movies. But is that so?

The arguments point to not Halo but also Tomb Raider, Hitman and many others who were hits with a good fans base butt didn’t translate into big bucks when make them into a movies. The thing about this is while that may make you want to say videogames are not a good medium to adapt from keep in mind we have Caslevania and the Witcher doing excellent. Yes Castlevania is animated by the Witcher is live action. And that is doing so well Netlfix has done an anime and a prequel series. So why didn’t Halo do well.

With the Halo tv series they took their own liberty with the story. Yes it is based on the game and books to a degree but in order to make sure they are not tied to it they are saying it is its own thing. The way it handles Master chief is one fans don’t seem to like to much. This may give the studio material to use more freely as it takes place in its world but you will not get the same events or characters point by point but it also has a down side. Keep in mind when you do things like the fans who you hope would come along well see something like this as filler as anime fans would call it. As detached as you are from the main material so will be the fans you would hope would tune in and keep.

This doesn’t mean it won’t get its own fans. But the over all fan base will wright off. When bring a game to life it would help if you pay attention to the characters that do so. With one note characters it is difficult as if you are following the story you to expand on them. But the one note or detail has become part of a series fans have come to love. Something we would hope would carry over when they are adapted. Something the Witcher and castlevania figured out. Hopefully others do to as this is a story rich medium to tap into. You just need to know how.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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