What if Would be the Valentine Power if they Were the Main Character in Shadow Hearts

For those who have been checking out the blog here you know I love Shadow Hearts and some time I do theory crafting as imagine what if the series kept going. What if it had the okay the studio kept making games for consoles instead of just pachinko machines. In this conversation we talked about the idea of who else join the Hyuga family as the other MC as there are usually 2 with someone partnered with the fusion and the valentine family came up.

For a quick recap the Valentine family are the vampires of the series and are like fusions as they is always one. The other thing is that each game hints at the next person to be in your party with the player meeting them in bat form saving the human form and other looks for the next installment. But none of them have been the main and if the series continued I think at some point they would have. So as such I think we should talk about what abilities this MC would have.

The powers for Valentines normally are human, Bat, invisible and special. Human normal, Bat glass cannon with a lot of strength but can’t take to much. Invisible makes it hard for enemies to hit them leaving special. I say special as Hilda didn’t have invisibility but she had a heavy form where as Joachim a wrestling persona that got upgraded later with the mask being handed to Hilda after betting him. This MC being a valentine will have these abilities with the special being a human who can use enemy skills.

Here is what I am thinking. Beast Myth will have the MC appearing as normal although it hast skill bit. This will allow the character to bit the enemy gaining a new skill. Similar to fusions it will have skills with per elements but 1per dungeon. These will be unique skills the character will only be able to sue it is just using the enemies as triggers to unlock it story wise. With the more you use bit you can increase the power of this skill. So think of it as Shadow Hearts take on a blue mage from Final Fantasy if they were vampires. I think this will work especially since we are talking about a vampire main character. But what do you think? Let me know.

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. Please check out the latest page of my comic as well as past pages and chapters here https://jcrcomicarts.wordpress.com/2022/05/21/unbelievable-ch-8-the-nightmare-of-name-pg-13/. This is Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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