According to Rumors PlayStation Showcase is Delayed Due to Investigation with Microsoft

There hare been many rumors about PlayStation Showcase where we will get this grand showing of videogame for Sony next gen that will make open are wallets and get it. A series of games that is always changing. Yet we have not heard anything official from Sony about this despite a number of people coming out saying it will be a thing with certainty.

Well, a new rumor says the investigation into Microsoft is holding this up. If you didn’t know more people began to question Microsoft big for Activision Blizzard in the past month. You may see this as effecting Sony in terms of call of duty and say they can have a show without it so why hold out? According to twitter user MIilla there is a thought that the show might boost Microsoft case. Thus they have been holding off. But that is set to change as we have a date according to her of October 20h for the show.

This may sound far fetched but keep one thing in mind. The date is right after Konami reveals Silent Hill news on the 19th. As such there maybe something to this. Will it be the cast? We will have to see.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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