My Thoughts on Unicorn Warriors Eternal Ep 5

Unicorn Warriors Eternal episode 5 was shown this week and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. So if you don’t want to be spoiled then stop and go check out the episode over at HBO max. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

Unicorn Warriors Eternal has so far shown a conflict between Emma and Milinda over who get the body to face this great evil. With episode this confusion got flipped on its head a bit more than before. The battle of the body has been shown with the souls and even the men there love giving us both internal and external battle. In comparison episode 5 has us seeing shows thing are flipped.

For what we have seen so far Emma has been the one pushing back as Milida memories take hold. We see it is Emma as she either fights for the life back or has issues doing what Milinda would. Would as we see Endreed the one suggest it as he pushes for her to use her full power. But this Episode The developers made it feel like it was Emma was the issue from the start and keeping track of the story so far it just made it feel weird. It has purpose as it goes into the episode as we learn about Milida past. Something she doesn’t people to know about given what happens between her, Merlin and Morgana. But it is still an odd things as even before we got back tot he past it seems Milida was the one in control and not Emma which again odd.

To the point about seeing the past it is a noticeable point in episode as we get a better sense as to what they are fighting. A sense is probably the best way to describe it as the evil has no name yet. We just know it was something that latched to Morgana when she tried to get Milinda powers. To my previous issues with not knowing the evil name as the they are keeping it hidden this shows me it might not have a name for say since it is something that is made form morgana and what ever was inside Milinda. A fusion of which has not been given a title by Unicorn nor as it decided one.

This not only highlights Milinda family drama but also something else. Merline here seems to be hiding the power from Morgana as she didn’t want Milinda to bare it. This goes back to the first episode making me think that Merline might have a bigger role to play as his choices might have led to this. I am going off of Endreed saying Merlin should have been here as he was the cause of this. Taking that into account it might be his dark material thing where we see both parents are no where near as good as they act to be and might cause more harm to there child then need be for there own ends.

The episode had the odd them of bad choices. From Merline hiding Milinda magic and not telling her to keep it a secret to Winston going back to the boat when he was told to say away. This will led to a new issue probably down the road as we see he might be a werewolf now and thus is supernatural like Unicorn but not in a way he can control. Oddly enough the guy looked like him but driven crazy to me. I wonder if it is him time displaced from the future to infect himself with the werewolf?

As odd as it was over all it was a good episode given what we got out of it was more on the story. It once again points to Emma maybe not being chosen due to power but a time paradox that brings her and Milinda closer. It got me thinking about it and thus shows how good it was. Below is a clip from it thanks to Sauce which you can see. Check out there channel and see the episode.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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