My Thoughts Unicorn Warriors Eternal Ep 6

Unicorn Warriors Eternal episode 6 aired and I would like to talk about it. This will be a reaction and as such there will be spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the episode over HBO Max. AGAIN SPOILERS AEAD

Copernicus has been Uniorn anchor point set to awaken them when the evil returns. The rock they have been using a revival point is in pieced. Something that leads to some interesting twist as Unicorn seeks to rebuild him.

Lets start with one thing that we know is that despite being a robot using steam technology for the most part fixing Copernicus is no short task. Despite being similar to the robotics of the time he is to unique to touch. Even the repair shop doesn’t know what to do with Melinda and Endred big mechanical friend. This is due mainly as they are meant to repair Otto bots. Copernicus not being one of them means to repair guy who is knowledgably in every model doesn’t know where to being here. Think of it as taking you vacuum cleaner to get fix. Sure they fix vacuums here. But your being someone own creation makes

Also can we talk about the waiting room. This was comical seeing this couple seeing with the steam punk peace maker. For some reason it was funny to me. But then again the room was meant for comedy seeing these people and the contraptions of the day. I mean how else can you explain a sharpener that electrocutes you.

But that wasn’t the only thing that was comedy or seen to be as we also have Endred who was in the dog house for a better sense. I think we kind saw that coming as he kept pushing Milinda to use her true power despite seeing she was having difficulty doing so. As such given what has come out from all that tough love you can say it was coming. This episode plays with that as yes Milinda is furious with Endred but she also is just made in general over what has happened. The result is a sad elf who knows he has to say or do something but keeps in or rather we see a few times can’t find the right moment.

This leads us to a new character in Otto. His role is to explain all these machines. He is brilliant but one side note his base of operation reminds me of Robotnik air ship from Sonic 2 the game. I just came back the moment I say it. But despite this man looking to be the answer to Copernicus we know he has a bigger role. This becomes apparent solely due to the fact we see he is playing both side of this battle Unicorn is having with this great evil. To what end it is unclear. Makes sense as we just saw this character. To be honest I thought it would turn out to be Merlin but seems to be someone new.

There was also one more thing we got out of this as we got Emma role. I will say it is odd to me a bit keeping track of the lore to see Milinda being referred to as the one in control with Emma taking a back seat. But the decision to do so seems clear here as it seems the show is setting up Emma to help Milinda fight through the trauma she is dealing with. We learned yesterday how personal this fight with evil is and she will need help doing do so.

All in all another great episode as continue seeing where this battle across time will land. I am loving how the comical style immediately goes to classic cartoon antics. At the same time we got lore progression through action that matches some of the great animes out there. I mean we go from the police sneaking up on the fox as classic cartoon would through a grave yard then see that the fox says she was betrayed. Something to take into. Great.

Again if you have not seen the past episode go check them out over HBO Max. Below is the clip from Sauce to check.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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