My Thoughts on Unicorn Warriors Eternal Season 1and Some Behind the Scenes

Unicorn Warriors Eternal season 1 is done and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the episode over at HBO Max. AGAINS SPOILERS AHEAD.

Unicorn Warriors Eternal is the latest series from Genndy Tartakovsky. We had no idea where it would take us as all we knew is that it looked like it would be a wild ride. And it was a wild ride all be it one that still leaves wondering about some elements.

Lets start with story. It was handled well as we got to see how Milinda, Seng and Edred deal with this vow of beating this evil throughout time. Always to be brought back when it returns. but the majority is focused on England during a steam punk age with them touching on the past. Them being Edred and Milinda. Emma is the main focus but being bound to Milinda we see her past through Emma eyes or point of view. The story was handled well. At least to one of my favorites genres as we see it is serious but with lighthearted moments to break up tension. Be it Alfie or Seng antics or Copernicus mechanical function if not. It was well balance all the way till the last episode with this light hearted side bare with the more serious battle for humanity as the main event as they tried to piece together why this resurrection went so wrong.

Don’t get me wrong there were issues. Probably best to describe them as moment I don’t get. Emma and Milinda though out this season was a constant source of confusion to me. The ladies combination started out with Emma it looked like fighting back against Milinda taking control. As the show went on it became clear that Emma with Milinda power was a sort of fusion. But unlike what we gotten used to with Dragon Ball Z and beyond. There was no echo in the voice but a mixture with the dominant person just switching almost at whim. Emma not be in control and treated like the alien persona after episode 5 touches on that. Yes we did get this with a flash back showing us how this story began. But control of Emma body went from hers to this fusion who represented Milinda. Something that didn’t appear to be the case until then.

This also happened to Winston who went from no control of his werewolf form to having full control just by seeing Emma again. We go no reason for it. He even touched on it saying that maybe she can teach him. A lesson it seemed that he really didn’t need as point out again he just was in fighting with no problem. All be it how he stayed a were wolf with no moon in the cosmic realm still needs to be explained to me. Is it part of his soul now? We don’t know.

The evil also nagged at more but for different reason. We never got a name. in fact all we knew is that it was a part of Milinda power at on point before latching onto her mother. Yes the incarnation the followed should have no name as it seems to become something different afterwards. But if Merlin was hiding it in Milinda from Morgana then he should at least know what it was called. He summoned it after all and knew it was dangerous hence why he hid it. A character whom I am still on the fence on as Merlin role in this story seems advisor with great power and knowledge but not enough wisdom. This doesn’t make him comical but flawed to the point he needs Unicorn to help in dealing the evil.

That all said Unicorn has charm I cannot ignore. The story is appealing as it grabs are attention and doesn’t let go. The slip stick also got me. The old school comical antics of Copernicus and young Seng were great delights to watch always getting a laugh out of me to some degree. At best this brings me back to Winston. The story had me but I had to notice its flaws trying to make sense of what his happening before my eyes. But just like him becoming part of the team through being bitten I am now here for the long haul. As such I can’t wait till the next season.

While we wait for that check out the behind the scenes.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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