My Thoughts Dragon Ball Super Ch 99

Dragonball Super ch 99 is out and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. If you don’t want to be spoiled stop now and go check out the chapter over at Viz Media or Shonen Jump. AGIAN SPOILERS AEHAD.

When it comes Gohan this chapter shows one thing we like about him. The eldest son of Goku is best when he rages. Gohan rage key and done comically. I mean for the most part the chapter has him focus you need to focus. Something then happens to Piccolo that goes out the window and in comes Gohan Beast.

It is a cool form we saw animated and think as much. The one issue is despite the grand unveiling it doesn’t get much time. The same thing happened to Super Saiyan Blue. It was short reveal probably because we got in the movie so it got limited time to show off. Gohan beast got less time to in my opinion. I mean we got a few shots of power to demon straight this is a new level.

But then again that might be a good thing. Many are done with this arc. So them rushing it might be a good thing so they can move on. Some behind the sense are teasing for the next arc. In it I hope we get this new power explained a bit. Something I am itchign to see as I am wondering how this will wrap up as we see the team set up the perfect shot for Gohan to finish this brute.

The chapter in some sense felt like a basketball team in action to set up the shot for Gohan. Each member playing there respected part to take down the brainless monster. The chapter was interesting to see that play out encase anyone didn’t see the movie. Though if I recall it was not that elaborate. Could be wrong though. Still nice to see as we wait for the next one.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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