Dark Knight Gary Oldman Nearly Played a Different Role

Dark Knight trilogy had Gary Oldman playing Jim Gordon. Batman long time alley in Gotham PD. The actor was great playing the city great hero cop as he help Batman deal with the worse that came to Gotham. In a new interview the star said he might have play Scare Crow if not the sheer fact he wanted to trying something rather than the villain.

“I’ve got a feeling it was Scarecrow. That was about the time when I sort of was thinking, ‘I’ve really had enough of [playing villains].’ I think it was my manager, [who] suggested to Chris [Nolan], ‘What about Jim Gordon?’ And to his credit, Chris [said], ‘Hm, oh that’s interesting.’ We met, and that’s how it sort of came about, but I think it might be Scarecrow, I’m not sure.” Oldman interviewed by Josh Horowitz.

Gary Oldman is known for his villains. Of the top of my head this and his time in potter are the ones I can think of with him as a good guy. I guess with such a record from 5th element to the professional I guess he needed a change as most people do.

Article: https://comicbook.com/movies/news/the-dark-knight-trilogys-gary-oldman-reveals-he-nearly-played-a-different-dc-role/

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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